
Friday, 7 June 2013

Gundam Converge 43: MS-18E Kämpfer

One of the most interesting entries I've seen so far in the Converge-series is the Kämpfer miniature. It appeared in the seventh wave in May 2012 and there was also a secret version decked out with a couple of bazookas instead of the regular Jagdgewehr shotgun. I obtained both models in a complete set of the seventh wave through eBay and I have no idea how the seller could tell the secret version from the original one, as the boxes and stickers on them are identical.

Besides its awesome look the Kämpfer figure is also unusually poseable since it has several moveable parts, which is not typical of the Converge series at all. Normally arms will rotate at the shoulder only, as well as at the wrist. This unit though, can also rotate its underarms which adds a lot of interesting poses. As is the case with almost all Converge units the Kämpfer's right hand is attached to the shotgun, but the secret version features an empty hand instead so that you can choose to equip one or two bazookas according to preference. All in all this allows the figure to strike up a lot of interesting poses, which makes many of its stable mates come off a bit limited. The Kämpfer is definitely a highlight in the series.

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