
Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Gundam Converge 03 : RX-75 Guntank

Today we're going to take a look at one of the Converge grandaddies, released in the very first volume of Gundam Converge in November 2010. An ancient design also by cartoon standards, the spartan look and style of this machine screams of yesterday's future, which is part of its charm. It is worth pointing out that there are actually two versions of this model, as the Guntank was one of four models to be reissued in September 2011 as part of the "Gundam Selection" set which was aimed specifically at 7-11 (as far as I know this was a Japan only thing).

The two versions of the figure are identical save for the packaging which has some minor differences. The backside of the box displays the other figures in the set, so if the box displays the other figures of Converge volume one (i.e. figures 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6) it is the first issue, and if the box displays the 7-11 figures (i.e. figures 2, 11, 12, 19 and 20) then it is the reissue. The 7-11 reissue also came with a miniature booklet inside the package, displaying the models released in Converge up to that point.

Armed with this knowledge and looking at the picture above you can easily identify my figure as one of the 7-11 reissues. As you can also see there are a few pieces to snap together to complete the figure, I can imagine that these small parts could be easily lost so it is probably a good idea to store this figure with some extra care.

As for the RX-75 Guntank figure itself, it has a very compact and stubby look, but overall comes through quite nicely. The figure has the typical for Converge articulated shoulders, but head and torso are firmly pointed forward, since the pegs connecting the parts are not round.

The Guntank was reissued a second time again in December 2012, as a piece in the Operation Jaburo set. The Jaburo version has darker blue colour and a more metal looking grey.

In the images above you can clearly see the facelift given to the Guntank in the Jaburo set. On a side note, it can be mentioned that the Operation Jaburo box contained several facelifted figures and is a good alternative to trying to hunt down all the individually released figures in that box (see a more detailed look here). Below are some comparative shots of the relative size and look of the Converge Guntank when placed next to other Converge figures as well as the old Ultimate Operation RX-75 which of course has a style more faithful to the original design.

Relative size of the RX-75 Guntank compared to the G-P.A.R.T.S. G-Bull (Converge vol 11, June 2013) and the Real Type Gundam from the Operation Jaburo set (December 2012).

The disfigured Converge Guntank placed next to the more stylish FW Ultimate Operation version which appeared in the Ultimate Operation Best Selection set in December 2005.

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