
Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Gundam Converge : Custom Crew

No review today but instead a little diversion. My friend Marcin has been helping me to expand the Converge roster with a few new designs. We did not bother with any actual parts conversion and just stuck with the basic figures as such. Hope you'll enjoy this look at what he created.

AMX-109 Kapool (Corin Nander Custom)

Corin Nander's bizarre red Kapool from Turn A is the first custom unit, repainted from the basic AMX-109 Capule figure. This custom unit features a darker more gritty looking colour scheme and of course does away with the gigantic rocket fist.

The blue AMX-109 Capule belongs in the Universal Century timeline while the green rebranded AMX-109 Kapool (as well as Corin Nander's custom) hail from the Correct Century.

RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type (Desert Colours)

The limited production Ground Type Gundam was stationed in several locations across the globe. Although the majority were used in Southeast Asia, some operated in other environments, such as this particular unit, which was stationed in the dusty steppes of Central Asia.

The signature NFHI GMCa-type.09/180mm cannon is a trusted friend for the RX-79[G].

MSA-099 Rick Dias (Delphi Squad)

The A.E.U.G. Delphi Squad operates a slightly beefed up version of the base RMS-099 Rick Dias known as the MSA-099. Its most notable feature is an extra pair of binders attached to the forearms, though this particular custom unit has not yet been refitted with those.

The Converge Rick Dias figure comes in two colours; the basic figure is red, and it also features a secret version which is black.
MS-09G Dwadge

The Dwadge is a further development and the final version of the classic MS-09B Dom. Among other upgrades, it features additional fuel tanks to power its hover jets as well as improved sand filters.

With the seemingly endless supply of interesting colour schemes and custom paint jobs, more Custom Converge figures are bound to appear on the blog in the future. :)


  1. these customs are very nice, i have been exploring customs also - there are some really great works out there
    i hope you continue to post some coverage of custom converge pieces

  2. Very good! I really liked thats works!

  3. Replies
    1. The figures are painted using Vallejo black primer and then with a mix of various colours and washes from Vallejo and Citadel.
