
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Massive Converge News...

After a rather long quiet Bandai decided to shellshock us with announcements of three up and coming Converge releases. And what release they are! The Converge Reboot can now be considered a fact, there will be no volume 21, instead the new volume #02 is announced. At first look it seems a bit hit and miss. I see 50% old figures (although slightly revamped) but I am wiling to forget all that because finally the Gaplant is coming, and putting a very evil titanic grin on my face in the process! The TR-5 and Barbatos are only icing on that cake. Two variants of Char's Zaku II does seem a bit over the top though, especially since we only just had a Revival figure.

The EX series also continues to expand with a pair of all-in figures, showing similarities to the recent Knight/Musha twin release. The EX09 figure also comes with the 5 year anniversary logo on the promo material.

All three releases are scheduled for March 2016, so start saving up your pennies already, it will be an expensive Converge month!


  1. Neue Ziel, Gundam Astray Red + Blue Frame also coming...
    See: (bottom of page)

  2. I can never get enough Zakus!

  3. It sure is a good time to be a Converge collector! Judging from the exhibits it seems they will be keeping the numbering system. Surprising as I would have expected series 01 to start over at one again.
