
Monday, 28 December 2015

Gundam Converge CORE 003 : Earth Federation Space Force

After a bit of a hiatus Converge is exploding back into action as the end of 2015 is rapidly approaching. In recent weeks we have seen three different releases being pumped out, this being the second of them, and perhaps the least novel. We're looking at CORE 003, the third installment in the Converge Re-definition series. Thus far, CORE has been bringing back old Converge high-profile Mobile Suits and made some minor changes to their looks, adding more detail or colour alterations.

CORE 003 focuses on the classic vintage E.F.S.F. team from the granddaddy Mobile Suit Gundam television series that started it all. The set released as a special triple pack at a suggested price of ¥2500, making it a both pricier than its two CORE predecessors (as in total price) yet also improving the mobile suit per yen-ratio. CORE 003 also appears to have entered general distribution, whereas the previous figures were Bandai web shop exclusives. My box which came out of Hong Kong even had a Bandai Namco Asia subsidiary sticker applied to it.

Another thing which has changed from CORE 001 and 002 is that we now have classic Gundam Converge-style packaging as opposed to a tiny box plonked into an oversized, dull, brown cardboard box (see the previous reviews). I doubt we will see a return of that dreaded thing (if there will ever be any more CORE sets announced after number four).

If you have been with Gundam Converge for a while, chances are you will recognize most everything that this set has to offer. All the figures in this set have been released several times over, and you will feel instantly familiar with the components for the various figures if you have ever built them before.

As you can see, there's not a whole lot going on in the assembly department. These figures are tried and tested ever since the first Converge release saw the light of day five years ago in November 2011. Therefore it will also not be a great deal to say about them here.

RX-77-2 Guncannon : The first figure in the box, and in my opinion also the one which has benefitted the most from this release, is the Guncannon, the Gundam's trusted ol' sidekick. You are getting the same old model here, now for the fourth time, with some minor tweaks to its paintjob.

The CORE 003 Guncannon (far right) together with its predecessors from the Operation Jaburo box set (far left) and the Selection V set (center). There is also a vintage figure from Converge Volume 1 which is not yet in our armory which is best described as a something in between of the previous two versions.
The eye-catching white stripes that immediately set it apart from the previous versions are also accompanied by some more subtle tweaks, such as its darker red base colour. Considering that the Unit 108 emblem was attached to the 7-11 limited figure from last year, it would have been a nice touch if they put 109 on this unit instead The yellow colour is back on the beam rifle sight, which was inexplicably omitted on said 7-11 version. Over all, this is how it often feels with all the re-releases of Converge figures, fixing one problem yet introducing another. As for the CORE 003 versions though, they feel like they are getting everything just right (as long as you don't have a problem with the excessive striping on them, which seems to be a thing done for its own sake).

RX-78-2 Gundam : Depending on how you do your counting, the Gundam is now making its sixteenth appearance in Converge. Subtract the G-3 and the Prototype RX-78-1 versions we are down to 12. Drop the silver and gold figures and the Realtype colour versions and we are now at eight. So, chances are you've seen this guy around a couple of times already.

The CORE 003 Gundam hanging out with some of its previous Converge incarnations.
The New RX-78-2 figure, is still basically the same five year old figure in its most basic form. While it does add a lot of tiny text on its shoulder armor, as well as some seemingly random white striping and a pair of panel-lined feet, the mold hasn't seen any upgrades. The shield still does not have a see through section (like on more modern versions of the figure like the RX-78-1 and the Detail Up version), the head still leans down toward the left shoulder, and we are not getting any alternative weapon load out, not even the existing bazooka. A nice enough figure, but far from stellar.

RX-75 Guntank : This cute little hybrid prototype vehicle, which usually appears teamed up with the Guncannon, has also followed the Guncannon faithfully through the Converge history. The two have always appeared in the same product sets, seemingly inseparable.

Converge Guntank family, in order of appearance: The basic figure from Converge Volume 1, the shiny metallic limbed version from the Operation Jaburo boxset, the named figure from the Selection V limited edition set and finally the new CORE 003 figure.
Looking back on the various Guntank versions we have seen in Converge, this figure has never been one to display and significant differences. The CORE release mainly tweaks the base colours and adds a couple of white stripes for the hell of it. While the Guntank is a logical inclusion in a MSG combo pack, even Fusion Works clearly couldn't come up with much to alter in it.


As I think the pictures above speak clearly, Converge CORE 003 is not exactly reinventing anything in the Converge figure line. Both CORE 001 and 002 were fairly unimpressive in this regard as well, but at least here the price has been lowered a bit to reflect that. Still, at more than ¥800 per piece (which multiplies nicely for the foreign market, expect to pay somewhere around $25 to $45 for this set) they are even twice as expensive as the regular figures, with just a few stripes to show for it.

Ultimately, CORE 003 is a great way for recent collectors to get their hands on three iconic Converge figures, which are all now very difficult to obtain, and with the recent revivals of both the GM and the Ball, stand a good chance of building a nice Earth federation line-up. More seasoned collectors with one or more variations of these minis already in hand, will probably want to give this one a pass unless you happen to be completists.


  1. Do you have a chance getting the Converge #01 yet? Can't wait for your open box and review.

    1. There is a set inbound from Hong Kong but I figure at least another two weeks for it to get here.

    2. May I ask in which Hong Kong webpage did you buy them? Sometimes I shop at the Gkgundamkit web and find the prices quite high. I rather buy at the Japanese online shops, but sometimes they don't mail to Europe or do not accept foreign credit cards.
      PS very nice and precise review. Thanks.

    3. Pretty much all new items come off eBay, preferrably from Hong Kong rather than Japan. HK is very efficient and sometimes reaches Europe in less than a week, whereas Japanese stuff is often circling the globe for weeks on end. Japanese webshop policies are also such a chore to deal with, though they can be good for deals on second hand items.
