
Monday, 23 October 2017

Neutron Jammers in effect...

Some of you may have noticed that the comments section on the Converge page hit the 200 mark today and that caused a bit of a headache. Apparently the blogger comments interface allows the display of up to 200 comments on a page and then displays a Load More link at the bottom. I had little success with getting the further comments to load on the devices I tried it on. I also googled for some suggestion on how to solve this but the other display options available made it difficult to reply to individual comments. So, I culled a few old oneliners to go back down to 200 again and then disabled further commenting on that page.

So where do we go from here? I am open for suggestions since I really value the input and gossip that all of you provide. If some of you would like to be able to write gossip entries on the blog (much like GKassiday is appearing with his SD Neo reviews) that could certainly be an option, as it would allow us to anchor comments on specific topics. Or you can tip me off and I could write such entries. Shifting to a forum or a facebook group might also be an idea although I wouldn't have the time and interest to run one myself but there might be existing ones around. There's also the ol' Gundanium Gateway facebook page which might be usable somehow.

Feel free to hit me with your thoughts.


  1. We could just make this post the go to comment section for Converge and everything else. Or at least till we hit 200 more comments. Maybe add this page, or one that is titled comments to the top of the site, like the SD and Assault Kingdom tabs. Also your title and that image are pure gold Sgt!

  2. Regardless of what platform you decide on it might be a good idea to split it into sections. Product news/rumors, reviews/commentary, and possibly classifieds for people who want to sell/exchange/buy. No Facebook please!

  3. Periodic culling of old messages can work, but that could be a lot of hassle for you.

    I think we can try to do our commenting on the newest posts instead of the checklist from now on.

  4. I agree with Convrg Fan that we don't want to give any more work to the Sgt, who already hosts such an amazing site. But if we only comment on the newest posts then all of our great speculation and banter will be lost. I like that it is all accumulated in one spot to go over.

    Also speaking of speculation I totally called the core set with all four 00 figures, . Also damn you P-Bandai!!!!

    Thought: What if there was a comment section on the top, like the SD and Converge checklists. And it took you to a page with four generic posts, one on speculation another on announcements, markets, and general chatter. Then we could just comment on the appropriate "comment page". If we go over 200 comments again then we just start an Announcements Comment Page #2. I think that could work and give the Sgt. as little work as possible. Heck this can be the first new "comments page".

    Also please god no Facebook.

    1. This seems like the path of least resistance. The only "hassle" is we'd have to click on each of the four pages to check for updates in each respective section.

  5. I personally have no problems with Facebook since there's actually a converge group for my local area. However, they tend to have less discussion and more often be filled with buy/sell posts (a lot of people even try to sell things that are not relevant..)

    It will also require the admin to actively moderate the group / page.

  6. I really have no problem with Facebook and I don't see why not use it. Instead, I think it'll be easier to manage specific sections. Anyway, I hope it turns out as a easy task for both Sgt and us to keep this nice hobby and community to survive.

  7. Thank you for all the ideas and comments. My own thoughts have been going in the direction of keeping the general discussion attached to a regular post (like this very post). Then as they begin to fill up new posts are added. In addition a new "page" is added (the tabs at the top) which links to the current discussion page as well as the older ones. It is not a very elegant solution but easy to maintain and users could use the current banter page as their main bookmark anyway.

    I originally created the facebook page with the intent of using it as an archive resource (using the photo album feature to create albums of figures per brand etc., but time and interest has been a bit lacking in that area...).

  8. The new Zeta Plus C1 from Converge #08 is very amazing. I thought the old Zeta Plus already looks great (the one that is supposed to be A1 but has the booster pack of C1), but this new one managed to impress me even more.

    One problem with it: The new A1 model has the same mold as the C1, and Bandai just removes the booster pack from the back and the fuel tanks on the wings. I haven't received my A1 yet, but I assume that it will leave some unsightly holes on the wings.

  9. I was wondering where does everyone go for Converge P-Bandai figures? Managed to pre order the Hyper God Gundam but that Virtue seems like it's going to be a lot harder.

    1. Did you guys notice the difference in the CORE Virtue and the "basic" P-Bandai Virtue? The previews seem to suggest that the CORE version has some additional paint-apps/stickers slapped onto it. The question is of course if the accessories will be different between the two versions as well, so that you end up having to get both of them for the full experience...

      To answer your question I have never preordered a P-Bandai myself and usually pick them up from either Hong Kong or Mandarake where most things tend to show up after a while (still hunting that CORE EX03 though...). Something to keep in mind is that Bandai Asia (the overseas division) enjoys slapping big ugly safety stickers on the boxes now, much like those ludicrous choking hazard stickers the Americans enjoy so much. Worth keeping in mind if you like to keep the packaging as well.

    2. I expect the CORE version to have a GN Bazooka and spare arms to make the "Burst" pose, like in the anime. Other than that, the accessories that Kyrios, Dynames and Exia will receive: the Missile Gun, GN Pistols and GN Blades Long and Short, respectively. Aside that, some repaint, like gold instead of yellow for the fins, and stickers-like paint.

      I really wanted that Bandai released a Virtue & Nadleeh pack, but...

    3. My Virtue pre-order was cancelled since bandai closed orders for it already even though it comes out in Feb, so I guess I have to spend an absurd amount on eBay to finish the 00 collection... God I hate P-Bandai the system tailor made to screw over anyone who doesn't live in Asia.

  10. New Core set, featuring the old Gundam team with RX-78, Guncannon, and Guntank. All with new molds!

    1. The way I understand the text, the CORE Project V mobile suit team can only be obtained as an add-on to the White Base when ordering through P-Bandai? It says further that the Guncannon and the Guntank will show up as regular Converge figures (without the special markings) further down the line. Don't tell me I need to spend 23 500 yen to get a stupid Converge Core Fighter... (or wait three years until the inevitable 7-Eleven repaint shows up).

  11. Btw, I've labelled this post and a few others with a new discussion tag to make the general topics for discussion easier to find. You can use the filtering function to see those posts (except the Converge Checklist page which doesn't support tagging).

  12. With the shadowy reveal of what I am guessing is Gazu-L and Gazu-R in the most recent blog post, . What are everyone's thoughts on us also getting the long awaited, for me personally at least, Geymalk and Döven Wolf?

    1. Yeah, it's almost certain the release of the Gazus. Geymalk and Döven Wolf will be a really nice improvement to the collection.

    2. I think the Gazus are perfect designs for Converge; they aren't too complex to model and have eye-catching garish colour schemes. Plus, the Gazus could pave the way for the longed for Galbaldy Beta. If they continue building up the ZZ-line I will be very happy; personally I would really like to see the ZSSA and the Gaza-D.

  13. Converge #10 announced! Gaz-L and Gaz-R. Also, per the hints from the Bandai Candy blog, Geymalk is there. Also a Guncannon re-sculpt.

    I'm undecided about the Geymalk. One of my favorite units for sure, and it's great they decided to release the trio (with the Gaz-L/R) together. But you'd think that something like the Geymalk, which was I believe Neo Zeon's most heavily armed MS in its time, should at least get EX/SP treatment? Diminishing it to a retail figure size seems very odd. Even the Psycho Gundam received better treatment. It's too "SD" in looks for my liking, I was hoping for something more beefy, like the The-O.

    The Guncannon raises good questions. If you look carefully it's actually a very subtle re-sculpt of the original Part 1 figure (plus the optional missile pods). I did not realize this when first looking at the White Base figures. Looking at the trio again, it appears the Guntank is also a slightly different sculpt from the Part 1 original, so surely that will be coming in Converge #11.

    1. Super excited for this set! The Epion and Shining Gundam are my childhood incarnate! Plus the trio is just gravy! Also surprised they weren't a core/sp/ex set. Could have easily seen these bundled together. However, maybe this is good news if they are turning away from the plethora of specialty releases they have been churning out recently.

      After the Greymalk I am now tentatively hopeful for the Doven Wolf! But if they don't release the Altron and Sandrock to complete the team, I might seriously loose it!!!!

      As for the Greymalk figure it looks okay to me. I do see your point about its size though. It really should compare closer to The-O or Psycho Gundam. I ways always a little underwhelmed by The-O figure's rather punitive size, given how big that suite is in universe.

    2. Kinda disappointed with this one, while I will get the Epyon and the Shinning I have no interest in anything else. That's 8 figures I have to somehow sell or only buy those 2 separately at a overpriced ptice.

    3. While I'm excited for this set, I do feel your pain Kyon. Many times I am stuck with a ton of extra figures from a box as buying the two I want would be like 30$ on ebay and the whole box of ten is 45$ from HLJ. I currently have a huge stock of extras from SD Neo and Converge that I hope to possibly sell in the future.

      If you don't care about price you could just set your prices low to make sure they get bought. Even if you only make $5 on each one you will quickly pay back the price of the extra figures. At least in theory, I haven't done this myself yet.

    4. I end up having to do just that, it took me almost 2 months to sell the Ple Qubeley and I eventually had to sell it for 4 dollars (not including shipping). Now I have 3 from Converge 8 just sitting there on ebay and I'll probably have to lower their price by a dollar each next week.

    5. Have you tried waiting a couple months to sell? Granted this means you have to sit on them and they take up space but things tend to gain on ebay over time, at least converge wise. Right after a set comes out there is a rush to sell them and the market is saturated and low priced. After a few months their should be less people selling them and the lack of saturation should allow you to sell them for more or at least sooner after the posting. Again this is all just thoughts, to lazy to really do it myself.

    6. I kinda doubt that, from experience with selling and buying them on ebay only the high in demand ones (stuff from wing etc) go up in price while not so popular stuff haven't risen at all.

      Kinda wish we had a buy/sell community here so we could sell extras to each other.

  14. FAZZ confirmed as the CORE 10 P-Bandai. It looks so badass, really have to get one. But I don't know if I'll be able to get it from the website.
    The Dendrobium was also confirmed as the CORE 11.
