
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

The latest Gundam Converge news...

Holy Toledo! These new Converge behemoths aren't anything to sneeze at. Not one but TWO Pale Riders? Now here's something I can really start longing for. Holy... how many of these should one plan to buy?

First up is the "standard" RX-80PR Pale Rider mobile suit as your standard Converge EX retail figure. The kit will contain gear to configure the machine for either space combat or with heavy land battle equipment. The figure is planned for release in March next year with a recommended price tag of ¥2600.

Second is the Premium Bandai exclusive also set for March 2019. This is a variation on the Pale Rider with the HADES system activated. This is mainly visible in how the visor turns red and some ports open up all over its body and shine yellow, a feature not entirely unlike the Unicorn Destroy Mode. Again the figure features space and land combat gear and the price tag remains the same at ¥2600.

In one way it seems odd that the two options have been separated into different boxes but on the other hand I don't mind as I would want to get multiple figures of it anyway. Bring on March 2019 already!

1 comment:

  1. At least they are sensible enough to let the regular and CORE version to keep both equipment types.

    This way I can just buy 2 regular units and display each in land and space config, instead of habing to buy one regular and one CORE..

    A brilliant move and a pretty cool unit
