
Friday, 11 January 2019

The latest Gashapon news...

The Bandai Gashapon blog has some new tidbits on the latest set to be revealed in the Mobile Suit Ensemble line. Part 1.5 follows the concept started by 2.5 and 3.5 and see the first wave of figures (which are now very hard to come by, by the way) reappearing in new colour variations. The RX-78 gets a pretty unusual looking G-3 colour scheme and the G-Fighter is repainted to match it. The mass production Zaku II also gets a darker green finish with some additional numbers slapped on as an afterthough to turn it into a "marking plus ver." as they usually call it. The last figure of this set, the Destroy Mode Unicorn was not mentioned; perhaps it will come with a green Psycoframe this time. Part 1.5 is scheduled for release in May round about the same time that Mobile Suit Ensemble Part 09 is also planned to hit the shelves.

In other news, the latest batch of the irresistible little Senshi Forte figures are due for release on or around the 26th of January. Volume 08 continues to put the focus on SEED and sports the Freedom and Duel Gundam to go with the Strike and the Buster from volume 07 (why do the Aegis and Blitz always get the short end of the stick?).

The set is rounded out by the SD Command Gundam and what will again be the hardest to find figures; the two army builder GuAIZ-type mobile suits. These are of course also the ones that I find the coolest.

I am starting to get really fed up with the way Bandai are distributing the Senshi Forte figures. Basically if you wonder why there are so few Geara Dogas and GINNs available it is because figures are sold to retailers in packs of four, with the A-pack containing colour variation one and the B-pack containing colour variation two. This means that the army builder figures are pretty much half as common as the hero-type machines which is both frustrating and ridiculous. I guess this is one way Bandai can manage to keep the line rolling in spite of rising costs, luring people to buy more than they really want.

Anyway, today's announcement was pretty short but Kawa promised more Gashapon-related news to follow soon.

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