
Sunday, 4 February 2024

Banpresto Mobile Suit Gundam Witch From Mercury Guel Jeturk

Alright, the figures of the male characters from Witch of Mercury have begun dropping in and this was the first I got my hands on. A total of three figures were released in the last quarter of 2023 bringing the WoM character total from this set up to seven. All three are currently readily available through the secondary market, Mandarake is offering figures for around 1000-1200 yen which is quite a steal. Granted, these are no MegaHouse top-of-the-line figures but the line so far has proven to be very well executed so let's see how this one fares.

Although the male character figures are noticeably larger (more on that later) they still come in the same type of box as the first four female characters. I have praised these boxes before by the way, nice full colour artwork on all four sides and a very hand size for figure storage without the cumbersome plastic inserts that are always a mess to handle.

The figures in this series tend to be very sturdy and come packaged like oversized Converge figures in a plastic bag with separate compartments. This figure uses the same type and size of base that we have become accustomed to with the rest of the Witch of Mercury releases, with the same old pros and cons. Notice the pegs under foot here; if you want to display the figure without a base you will have to get rid of these first.

I've said it before - these WoM character figures just ooze with style and the execution is really tight. The style is very cartoony but refrains from going into ridiculous overblown proportions. Colouring is clean and the palette appears very show accurate and vibrant. The pose with the flowing jacket is superb as well and tells you all you need to know about the character with a quick glance. I think one of the reasons I really like these uniforms is that they are making me nostalgic about the Titans uniform design...

At first I thought that there was an imperfection in the printing around the eyes. The spot underneath the right eye looks like a misprint but then I noticed it on the box art as well, and looking it up online appears to be a valid part of the actual character design.

The first impression of the Guel figure was just how large it was in comparison to the other figures in the line. The thought occurred to me that the line might not be in scale after all - just like the related newtype series had character sizes all over the place - but after checking out the actual anime it appears to be valid. Still, I personally don't like that the figures are so different in stature. I would much have preferred less pronounced difference in character height but I can't fault this figure series for that. All in all, this is a great figure available for cheap, a no-brainer for Witch of Mercury collectors as far as I am concerned. Looking forward to examine the remaining two figures of this series.

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