Today's chosen item is a bit of an oddball appearance. I encountered it by chance and became curious since I had never heard of the product line before. After a bit of research I am not really that much wiser. I know that Bandai uses the Ultimate Solid name for some of their Kamen Rider figures and they love to throw in the word Ultimate in a lot of their figures lines in general. The Gundam-themed Ultimate Solid set however appears to be a one-off. It was released as a Gashapon capsule set in late 2008 and is generally compatible with the Gashapon HG and related lines, which places the minis in what amounts to roughly 1:280 scale.

GN-0000 00 Gundam
For a bit of context, I should start by pointing out that Bandai ran a very successful figure series labelled Gashapon HG Mobile Suit Selection between 1995 and 2006. The series featured 40 regular sets as well as a handful of special theme sets. The line spawned a separate boxed DX-line which produced four sets between 2005 and 2006 and was also supported by the Mobile Armor Selection series in 1999-2000 and the Mecha Selection series between 2000 and 2004. Since all of these series folded before Mobile Suit Gundam 00 premiered in 2007 none of these series feature suits from the Anno Domini timeline. However, a Gashapon HG spin-off series called HG C.O.R.E. addressed this in its short but intense run between 2007 and 2008. Still, the 00 never featured in that series either. This fact alone makes this figure very interesting from a collection point of view.

As you can see from the images the figures in this set go heavy on paint detail and weathering effects. Perhaps this is where they take their inspiration from Morishita. Weathering is pretty much unheard of in the previously mentioned Gashapon lines and so this ups the realism considerably even though it is almost cranked up to eleven here. I am not sure if it is related to the paints used but I have noticed that the figures in this set are very prone to falling apart compared to their sturdier older cousins. I might resort to gluing them for peace of mind although this is impractical from a storage perspective.

As usual the parts-shots used here illustrate how the figures came out of their packaging. You can continue to pick them apart beyond what is shown here but it will give you a fair idea of their overall complexity. As is also evident, the plastic is mainly of the bendy sort common in Gashapons from this era. Very durable but also a source for annoyance since you will have to deal with bent weapons and such from time to time. So, why are there two figures on this picture? Well it is because there is also a "secret version" of this figure that looks like this:

Yeah, I know, not super-exciting. Basically the GN Swords are now held in Rifle Mode. It sure would have been more exciting if the figure was in Trans-Am colours instead but you take what you can get.

While not exactly a fair comparison I still think it is interesting to see this Gashapon next to a high-quality 00 from Bandai's STANDart Shokugan line. The paintjob on these Gashapons is not bad at all.
RX-78-2 Gundam
Up next is the RX-78 from the front of the booklet cover. I tried to find a similar picture somewhere on the Internet, figuring it would be perhaps famous box art or such but didn't manage to find anything resembling it. I would be very surprised if the artwork was commissioned for this set so it is probably out there somewhere...

While I am usually not too excited about the RX-78 in figure form I have to say this is one of the better looking ones. The pose is great and I like the heavy gray-tinting of the basic fuselage does wonders for it, kind of like the Real-Type versions that I usually also prefer. Bonus points for painting the targeting camera on the Beam Rifle and painting the back of the shield a nice dark gray colour. Job well done.

Here you can get a basic idea of the articulation of the figure. The legs have shaped pegs that forever bind the figure to the same action pose but the waist can spin just like the arms at the shoulders and hands at the wrists.

RX-78-3 Gundam G-3
While not displayed in full in the booklet the G3 Gundam is shown as a small option to the regular RX-78-2 but is still listed as a regular figure. I don't know anything about the actual distribution of the figures in the set but I would normally interpret the booklet as featuring all figures in the same frequency except maybe the two 00 Gundam versions which would most likely be split up in A and B packaging versions (meaning one pack would contain one of each figure except for the 00 which would be either the A- or B-type making it somewhat more rare).

Parts-wise everything here is the same as the RX-78-2, so unlike the two 00 Gundam variants you don't get any weapon variations. While it could have been nice if one of them had an alternate weapon - say a beam saber - it would probably look weird considering the outstretched weapon arm and so I think it is better this way.

I really like the muted colours on this G-3, it looks even better from behind. Here it poses with the Hyper Bazooka which is also darker than the one used by the other RX-78 figure in this set.

The stands used by the RX-78 figures would perhaps not be so hideous if they were molded in clear plastic. I don't really understand Bandai's philosophy here since some of the early Gashapon HG figures featured clear stands and supports so surely it could have worked here as well? Perhaps the painting budget just got in the way of such extra frills.
ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
Next up we have a mobile suit from SEED Destiny and the Cosmic Century Era, this set is all over the place. It is a bit of an odd choice since you would normally find the Aile Strike in this slot but perhaps Morishita has done a particularly nice illustration of the Force Impulse.

While I did think that the whole Impulse Gundam concept was just a lazy rehash of the Strike Gundam (and one of the many problems with Destiny) I have to give credit where due, this figure looks fantastic. The figure is incredibly well balanced where all of the components interact beautifully. It is easily my favourite figure from this set.

MS-09 Dom (Units 12, 25 and 60)
This set just gets weirder with each passing entry. I did not expect a set that started out with iconic Gundam-type mobile suits to end on a trio of Dom aggressors. This line sure had potential too bad we only got to see a single set because I would have been really curious to find out what they would have dreamed up for volume two.

While these Dom figures stay more true to their original colours than the Gundam figures the colour palette is somewhat muted and a bit more realistic. Most of the weathering appears to be on the back of the legs from excessive use of those booster jets I assume. The three machines are alike except for their individual machine numbers which translate to the personal steeds of Lt. Gaia, Mash and Ortega, better known as the Black Tri-Stars.

The Ultimate Solid selection is an interesting figure set for those who enjoy collecting the Gashapon HG figures and the 00 Gundam is especially interesting since it adds a new mobile suit type to the line-up. However, the size of these figures aren't really compatible with any other figure types on the market and so will be of limited interest to everyone else.