Check List: Gsight 1/350

The Gundam Gsight figure collection was a rather short-lived Gashapon series that ran between 2002 and 2004. There are eight main figure sets and two special sets with larger figures. All mobile suits are drawn from the Universal Century timeline, mainly focused on the One Year War although the series branches out a bit at the end.

The normal figures were sold in random hexagonal shaped cylindric boxes, each containing a figure and for the most part an accessory in the form of a diorama piece or small vehicle. Twelve individual figures are packaged in a larger box, which would normally contain two of each type, with different colours.

The figures from Gsight Part III in their primary colours and in alternate colours (below).

And yes, speaking about differenct colours; one of the main features of Gsight is that each figure in the first six sets will come in colour variations which are not necessarily canon. Looking at the RX-78-2 Gundam for example, it comes in three colours variations in the first set. Classic white, grey and blue (which can be taken for a G3) and a wildly olive and dark green imaginary style.

Gsight figures are made from soft and bendy plastic, and you will often have to deal with bent legs, arms and weapons. The common figures do not feature any bases and are therefore a bit unstable (unless they are Doms with huge feet) and the bendy limbs certainly don't help. There is a bit of articulation in legs and arms which can help sort out balance problems but on the whole you will have a lot of issues with figures like Zakus and GMs.

Gsight figures come in their own little scale; 1:350, which means they do not match anything else out there. Still, some of the vehicles and scenery can work decently with 1:400 figures and you often see people using the diorama pieces with those.

Gsight Part I
Released 2002. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RX-78-2 Gundam (white)
RX-78-2 Gundam (olive x dark green)
RX-78-2 Gundam (grey x light blue)
RGM-79 GM (red x white)
RGM-79 GM (grey x white)
RGM-79 GM (olive x lime)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (light grey)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (dark grey)
MS-09 Dom (violet)
MS-09 Dom (sand)
MS-09 Dom (olive)
MSM-07 Z'Gok (blue)
MSM-07 Z'Gok (olive)
MSM-07 Z'Gok (white x light blue)

Gsight Part II
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥191
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RX-78-2 Gundam (classic white)
RX-78-2 Gundam (white x light blue)
Zaku II wreckage parts (green ver.)
Zaku II wreckage parts (grey ver.)
RGM-79 GM (red x light grey)
RGM-79 GM (light grey x medium grey)
RGM-79 GM (olive x lime)
Type 61 Tank
RX-77-2 Guncannon (light red)
RX-77-2 Guncannon (light grey)
MS-07B Gouf (blue)
MS-07B Gouf (grey)
MS-07B Gouf (green)
High Rise Building Ruin (brown ver.)
High Rise Building Ruin (grey ver.)
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type (dark green) (Machine Gun)
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type (sand) (Machine Gun)
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type (light grey) (Machine Gun)
Small Street Corner Ruin (brown ver.)
Small Street Corner Ruin (grey ver.)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (dark green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (dark blue)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (light grey)

Gsight Part III
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥191
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type (white)
RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type (sand)
RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type (dark grey)
Type 74 Hover Truck
RX-75 Guntank (blue / red)
RX-75 Guntank (Mass Production Type colours)
MS-09 Dom (violet)
MS-09 Dom (sand)
MS-09 Dom (light blue)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (olive green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (sand)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (light blue)
Hangar Building
HT-01B Magella Attack (green)
HT-01B Magella Attack (sand)
MS-06F-2 Zaku II Type F2 (light green)
MS-06F-2 Zaku II Type F2 (light blue)
MS-06F-2 Zaku II Type F2 (brown)
Square Shape Gun Turret

Gsight Part IV
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundam (white x blue)
RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundam (white x grey)
RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundam (dark blue)
Round Shape Gun Turret
RGM-79 GM (red x pink)
RGM-79 GM (blue x green)
RGM-79 GM (sand x brown)
Modular Ravine Side
MS-09F/TROP Dom Tropen (purple)
MS-09F/TROP Dom Tropen (brown x red)
MS-05 Zaku I (green x blue)
MS-05 Zaku I (brown x olive)
MS-05 Zaku I (black x grey)
MS-07A Gouf (blue x green)
MS-07A Gouf (sand x brown)
MS-07A Gouf (light blue)
Covered Hover Truck
DO-DAI YS (red)
DO-DAI YS (light blue)

Gsight Part V
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥191
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RGM-79D GM Cold District Type (white x grey)
RGM-79D GM Cold District Type (light blue)
RGM-79D GM Cold District Type (dark green)
Hangar Building
RGC-80 GM Cannon (red x white)
RGC-80 GM Cannon (dark green x black)
RGC-80 GM Cannon (black x white)
Tracked Loader Vehicle
MS-18E Kämpfer (blue)
MS-18E Kämpfer (dark green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (light green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (gray x green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (violet x grey)
MSM-03C Hy-Gogg (light blue)
MSM-03C Hy-Gogg (olive green)
MS-14G Gelgoog Ground Type (sand)
MS-14G Gelgoog Ground Type (white x light blue)
MS-14G Gelgoog Ground Type (olive green)
Wheeled APC

Gsight Bigro/Grublo
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

MA-05 Bigro (green)
MA-05 Bigro (gray)
MAM-07 Grublo (brown)
MAM-07 Grublo (blue)

Gsight Samson Trailer
Released 2003. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥300
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

Samson Trailer (normal colour version (purple x grey)
Samson Trailer (Forest Battle version) (green x brown)
Samson Trailer (Urban Combat version) (gray x light grey)
Samson Trailer (Desert Combat version) (sand x grey)
MS-06 Zaku II (green)
MS-06 Zaku II (gray)
MS-06 Zaku II (brown)

Gsight Part VI
Released May 2004. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

MSM-07E Z'Gok-E (dark grey)
MSM-07E Z'Gok-E (white)
Two Underwater Explosion markers
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (dark green)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (black x green)
Supply Drop Pod with Zaku Bazooka
RGM-79SP GM Sniper II (light grey x black)
RGM-79SP GM Sniper II (olive)
Curved Wall of Sandbags
MSM-03 Gogg (brown x sand)
MSM-03 Gogg (light green x dark green)
RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type (light blue)
RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type (green)
Straight Wall of Sandbags
MSM-04 Acguy (brown x light brown)
MSM-04 Acguy (light blue x blue)
MSM-04 Acguy (green x light green)
Damaged Jaburo Outpost building

Gsight Spektrum
Released June 2004. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type (Char's Custom)
MSM-07S Z'Gok (Char's Custom)
MS-14S Gelgoog (Char's Custom)
MS-09RS Rick Dom (Char's Custom)
MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom
MSM-10 Zock
MSM-07 Z'Gok (light blue x grey)
MS-14A Gelgoog
MS-05 Zaku I (Ramba Ral Custom)
MS-14A Gelgoog (Anavel Gato "302")
YMS-15 Gyan
MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type (Black Tri-Stars)

Gsight Spektrum II
Released October 2004. Suggested individual figure retail price: ¥?
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]

RX-78-2 Gundam
RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam
RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02 "Physalis"
RX-78GP01 Gundam GP01 "Zephyrantes"
RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1 "Alex"
RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8
RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 01
RX-79BD-2 Blue Destiny Unit 02
RX-79BD-3 Blue Destiny Unit 03
FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam (green)
FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam (blue)
RX-78-3 Gundam G3


  1. I might be wrong , but aren't those were a part of tabletop game ? I'm pretty sure that bandai was released a bunch of figures for tabletop game , tou i think quality of those were bit way higher than ones found in gatcha machines.

    1. You are thinking about the 1:400 "Gundam Collection" Gashapon series (it also has a tab of its own here) but these figures are certainly useful for various homebrew conflict games as well.
