The figures typically feature some basic articulation in primarily the arms and torso and the joints can quickly wear out. Colours tend to be washed out and less bright. The weapons are always attached to the respective mobile suit's hands. There are six standard Gashapon figure sets, six EX-sets which come in cardboard boxes (often with a fixed pair of mobile suits packaged together) and three "Field" sets which feature modular action bases and collect mobile suits from various Gundam series.

Released June 2006. Bandai recommended figure price: ¥200.
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78-2 Gundam
RX-77-2 Guncannon
RX-75 Guntank
MS-06S Zaku II (Char's Custom)
MS-06F Zaku II
MS-05B Zaku I
FF-X7 Core Fighter
EFF Flatbed Transport

Released 2006
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8
RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundam
RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type
MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom
MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type
MS-06RD-4 Zaku High Mobility Test Type
RB-79K Ball Type K
Type 74 Hovertruck

Released December 2006
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78-2 Gundam (Hyper Hammer)
MSM-07S Z'Gok (Char's Custom)
MSM-07 Z'Gok
MS-09 Dom
MSM-04N Agguguy
MSM-08 Zogok

Released March 2007. Bandai recommended figure price: ¥200.
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1 "Alex"
RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type ("EFSF")
RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type ("Unit 6")
RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type (Beam Saber)
RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type (Machine Gun)
MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai (Machine Gun)
MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai (Heat Hawk)
MSM-07E Z'Gok Experiment
MS-18E Kämpfer

Released 2007
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78-2 Gundam (Beam Saber)
RGM-79 GM (Beam Saber)
RGM-79 GM (Beam Rifle)
RB-79 Ball (white)
RB-79 Ball (gray)
YMS-15 Gyan
MS-09R Rick Dom (Bazooka)
MS-09R Rick Dom (Heat Saber)
MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type (Shin Matsunaga Custom)
MS-06R-2 Zaku II High Mobility Type (Johnny Ridden Custom)

Released August 2007. Bandai recommended figure price: ¥200.
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78-2 Gundam (Beam Rifle + Bazooka)
RX-77-2 Guncannon (Unit 108)
FF-X7-Bst Core Booster (Unit 005) + Space Launch
FF-X7-Bst Core Booster (Unit 006) + Space Launch
MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type (Johnny Ridden Custom)
MS-06F Zaku II (Bazooka)
MS-06F Zaku II (Mine Layer)
MSN-02 Zeong

Released September 2006
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
G-Fighter + FF-X7 Core Fighter
RX-78-2 Gundam + Mobile Suit Bay
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type (Magella Cannon) + HT-01B Magella Attack (tan) + Cui
MS-07B Gouf + HT-01B Magella Attack (green) + Cui

Released December 2006
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : RX-78-2 Gundam (Duel Diorama)
1 : MS-09 Dom (Duel Diorama)
2 : MSM-04 Acguy
2 : EMS-05 Agg
3 : MSM-03 Gogg
3 : MSM-04G Juaggu
4 : MSM-10 Zock

Released March 2007
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : RX-78NT-1FA Full Armor Gundam NT-1 "Alex"
2 : MS-18E Kämpfer (Shotgun + Bazooka + Saber)
3 : MS-18E Kämpfer (Chain Mines + Bazooka + Sturmfaust)
4 : MSM-03C Hy-Gogg (Claw)
5 : MSM-03C Hy-Gogg (Hand Missile)
6 : MS-05L Zaku I Sniper Type
6 : RGM-79FP GM Striker

Released June 2007
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : RX-78-2 + G-Mechanical
2 : MA-04X Zakrello
3 : MS-14S Gelgoog (Char's Custom)
3 : Public-Class Assault Boat
4 : MS-14A Gelgoog (Anavel Gato Custom)
4 : MS-09R Rick Dom

Released August 2007
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : RX-78-2 Gundam (Dual Bazooka)
1 : RX-77-2 Guncannon "Unit 109"
2 : RX-78-3 G3 Gundam (Dual Bazooka)
2 : RX-77-2 Guncannon "Unit 108"
3 : MSN-02 Perfect Zeong
4 : MS-14 Gelgoog
4 : FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam
5 : MS-09R Rick Dom (Char's Custom)
5 : MS-06F Zaku II (Machine gun)
Strategy of Gundam Ex Best
Released December 2007. Bandai recommended price per box: ¥473
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
RX-78-2 Gundam (Real Type Colour)
RX-77-2 Guncannon
RX-75 Guntank
RGM-79 GM (Diorama version)
MSM-07S Z'Gok (Char's Custom) (Diorama version)
MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type
MS-07B Gouf
MS-09 Dom
MS-06S Zaku II (Char's Custom)
MS-14S Gelgoog (Char's Custom)
FF-X7-Bst Core Booster (Unit 005) with Space Launch
FF-X7-Bst Core Booster (Unit 006) with FF-X7 Core Fighter wreck
RX-78-2 Gundam (Last Shooting)
MSN-02 Zeong (Last Shooting)

Released August 2008
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1. RX-93 Nu Gundam
2. MSN-04 Sazabi
3. AMS-119 Geara Doga (Rezin Schnyder Custom)
4. MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type
5. RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam GP01 "Zephyrantes" Full Burnern
6. RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A "Physalis" (Bazooka)
7. RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A "Physalis" (Beam Saber)
8. MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type (E.F.S.F.)
9. AMS-119 Geara Doga

Released November 2008
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (EW) (Dual Rifle)
2 : XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (EW) (Dual Saber)
3 : XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Kai (EW)
4 : OZ-OOMS2B Tallgeese III
5 : MMS-01 Serpent (Bazooka)
6 : MMS-01 Serpent (Gatling Cannon)
7 : GF13-017NJII God Gundam
8 : GF13-017NJII God Gundam (Hyper Mode)
9 : GF13-001NHII Master Gundam
10 : GF13-001NHII Master Gundam (Hyper Mode)

Released February 2009
Links: [Review], [Bandai product page]
1 : XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW)
2 : XXXG-01SR2 Sandrock Kai (EW) (Ver. A)
3 : XXXG-01SR2 Sandrock Kai (EW) (Ver. B) (Shawl)
4 : XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam (EW) (Ver. A)
5 : XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam (EW) (Ver. B) (Extended arm)
6 : LM312V04+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam
7 : LM312V06 Victory Gundam Hexa
8 : LM111E03 Gunblaster
9 : LM111E02 Gun-EZ
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