The Gundam Collection is an exceedingly ambitious Gashapon figure series featuring mobile suits and vehicles from almost all the different shows and storylines up until that point. The series ran between 2004 and 2010 with most of the releases in between 2004 and 2006. The line boasts sixteen waves of figures as well as ten additional sets and a healthy number of large prepainted model kits to complement the mobile suits. All the figures are scaled around 1:400 which gives a pleasing size variety between individual suits and helps to drive home the way they compare to each other.

The basic Gundam Collection figures come in blind boxes, normally twelve to a larger carton. One of the series' primary gimmicks is having several versions of the same mobile suits with different unit insignias, gear or individual numbers. Sprinkled among the sets are hard to find secret figures as well as some first edition limited figures to boot. Collecting this series can be very challenging as the rarest figures are far between and usually very expensive.

Bandai even went so far as to release a simple rule set for miniature tabletop style games and the figures actually come with some basic numerical stats on the undersides of their bases. While the two official rule books are notoriously difficult to find these days (and as with everything else available in Japanese only) you can head over to this facebook group to learn more about the game or collecting the figures in general.

This checklist is based on figures from my own collection. I'd like to think it is quite extensive but as you can see for yourself there are many, many gaps in it still. While I have picked up some of the larger model kits I haven't bothered to actually build them, mainly going for the accompanying bonus figures. Therefore there will be some borrowed official box art pictures towards the end of the list. Any malfunctioning monitors you see in the list simply indicates that I have not yet managed to obtain or photograph the figure. The list will be updated over time as new material becomes available.
Gundam Collection Volume 1 (2002)
The introductory set from 2002 contains fifteen different mobile suit types, many of them with minor variations in equipment or unit markings. The set is one of the most homogenous featuring Universal Century designs from the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon and the series Mobile Suit Gundam and War in the Pocket only.

Gundam Collection Volume 2 (2002)
The second volume looks pretty much like the first. The set contains seventeen different figure types again split between the E.F.S.F.and Zeon, although two of the secret figures are Mobile Suit Gundam SEED teasers. Again we see mobile suits from Mobile Suit Gundam and War in the Pocket, as well as types from The 08th MS Team and some Mobile Suit Variations.

Gundam Collection Volume 3 (2002)
Set three adds another sixteen base figures with several unit desgination variations. This set is great for army building purposes and comes with several suitable GM and Zaku variations to further the inventories of the two armies. Again we see a couple of teasers from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED at the end but the majority of units hails from Stardust Memory, The 08th MS Team and Mobile Suit Gundam. I have also listed two promotional figures at the end, seeing as these are variations or figures from this set. Those two are not found in this set however, but came as freebes with some magazine or similar (Gundam Ace probably).

Gundam Collection Volume 4 (2003)
Volume 04 is all about Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, so if you are not a fan of the Cosmic Era there won't be much to interest you here. The set is also the first to introduce the "clear colour" figure concept, annoying filler-content and something that would come back and haunt the series again and again. I don't actively collect such figures but have ended up with a few here and there.

Gundam Collection Volume 5 (2002)
Volume 5 returns to the Universal Century for the most part, although there are a couple of SEED figures trailing at the end. The set consists of sixteen base figures and features a lot of variant unit designations. This set is especially rich in Zeonic machines and is a premier source for finding vehicles used by their military.

Gundam Collection Volume 6 (2003)
Set six with its fifteen basetype figures continues to dig up more overlooked Universal Century machines, the most important of which is in my opinion the Gelgoog which now gets added to four different squadrons. We also see more mobile suits from the Cosmic Era including useful army builders for both O.M.N.I. and Z.A.F.T. Bandai now also debuts Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam as well as the lead suits from The Blue Destiny.

Gundam Collection Volume 7 (2004)
Volume seven features another fifteen figures that are spread out among the original series, Stardust Memory, War in the Pocket, Zeta and SEED. It features plenty of army builder units which makes it one of my personal favourites.

Gundam Collection Volume 8 (2004)
Volume eight continues to add to the Zeta-era mobile suit inventory and also features a large number of Zeonic auxilliary suits as well as more meat for the grinder in the Cosmic Era.

Gundam Collection Volume 9 (2004)
Collection volume nine is the second Cosmic Era-centric set in the series and it features several prominent mobile suits from both Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny as well as some MSV:s and then tosses in a couple of flying UC:era Zakus and a very generic RX-78-2 Gundam at the end. This set is also really for Cosmic Era lovers.

Gundam Collection Volume 10 (2004)
The tenth edition of Gundam Collection is all over the place, with random mobile suits from several different series and eras. It does a great job of fleshing out the existing line-ups and contains a massive seventeen different base figures. This strikes me as the golden era when Gashapons were truly mass produced.

Gundam Collection NEO Volume 1 (2005)
The NEO line is a direct continuation of the first ten sets and the figures even continue the numbering system under the bases. I assume someone in marketing thought NEO 1 sounded more sexy than volume eleven. Like the set before it the fifteen different mobile suits and armors are gathered from all over the eras. The NEO sets also feature upgraded bases. Now many figures will come with detailed bases matching concepts of air, land and space. Some figures also benefit from extended articulation although in practice this just tends to make limbs want to fall off rather easy.

Gundam Collection NEO Volume 2 (2005)
With the twelfth regular figure set we can feel that Bandai are getting nearer to the bottom of the barrel. The set continues to fill up gaps among mobile suits from different eras and we get to see the first figures from New Mobile Suit Report: Gundam Wing and G Gundam.

Gundam Collection NEO Volume 3 (2005)
Another set of 16 mobile suits that contains a couple of really exotic ones sprinkled in among what is mostly a continuation on the Gundam Wing line-up.

Gundam Collection NEO Volume 4 (2006)
I have some really mixed feelings about NEO volume four. While the set continues expanding the mobile suit hangar with several very useful and cool machines the set is also littered with clear colour variants of several figures, now in groovy bright colours instead of the brownish clear thing they had going up to this point. Luckily these abominations are quite rare but I always feel a certain frustration pulling a random figure and getting a useless clear color gimmick thing instead of what could have been a worthwile addition to the fleet.

Gundam Collection NEO Volume 5 (2006)
The last of the NEO sets revisits the Universal Century timeline and features several mobile suits that we have seen before on some improved diorama style bases. There are some more useful additions in the form of new mobile suits from series such as Stardust Memory and SEED Stargazer chucked in at the end as well, not to mention the Guntank making its overdue appearance.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 1 (2004)
The Gundam Collection deluxe sets actually ran in parallell with the main Gundam Collection and Collection NEO series and ultimately also survived them once those had run their courses. However, the last couple of DX sets were really small by comparison. The DX series features an impressive number of larger mobile suits and also some fancy effect parts.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 2 (2004)
DX2 is heavily dominated by mobile suits from the Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam series together with some appearances from Sentinel and G Gundam. This set features several extra large figures.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 3 (2005)
The third deluxe set focuses on the lead suits from Wing series (still missing that Epyon and Tallgeese II unfortunately) and a whole slew of formidable anatagonist suits from series such as Zeta, ZZ and G Gundam.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 4 (2006)
Volume four is more diverse and gathers mobile suits from all over the place. It is the only source for those of you who are looking to build the New Desides faction from Gundam Sentinel.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 5 (2006)
If you like the After War Gundam X series you know that figures from this period are pretty much impossible to find. As far as the Gundam Collection series goes, you get a handful of the lead suits in this set (and the Gundam X itself which appears in the Complex set) and that is it. Imagine if this figure line had managed to stay alive long enough for Bandai to begin producing some of the antagonist mobile suits as well. One can always dream right..?

Gundam Collection DX Volume 6 (2007)
Deluxe set volume six is the last of the big sets of the Gundam Collection saga. By this point the regular figure line was being discontinued and we only got a few small sets of deluxe figures over the next three years, Bandai house cleaning work they had already invested in I imagine.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 7 (2008)
DX volume seven illustrates perfeclty what I mean when I say it is a small set. There are only five different mobile suits here, six if you generously count the colour variations of the TR-6 as two. Then we have equipment variations on two of them as well as a hidden pearl colour version of the Musha. As small as the set is however, the figures are all really beautiful. Notice also the first appearance from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.

Gundam Collection DX Volume 8 (2008)
Volume eight is the second tiny five figure set from Gundam Collection. Its execution resembles that of volume seven almost to the letter. Here we get the only two mobile suits from the Mobile Suit Gundam F91 timeline, so no Crossbone Vanguard for us...

Gundam Collection DX Volume 9 (2010)
And here comes the most fiendish and evil set to be released under the Gundam Collection name. Almost two years have passed since DX Volume 8 and perhaps Bandai realized there was money to be made from the Unicorn name after all. Whatever the reason they revealed this ultimate set featuring suits from the Unicorn show (and an old MS-06F Zaku II for some strange reason) and placed them on battery powered light-up bases. It is pretty dumb yes. This set is also infamous for the rarity of fully painted figures. Expect one third to be fully painted, one third to be clear-colour variants and the last third to be single clear colour figures. I must point out that I don't know if every figure exists in all three variations or not, so it is possible the set is slightly smaller than indicated here. In any which way, it is true hell to collect...

Gundam Collection Volume 00-1 (2007-10)
The mobile suits from the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 era never made it to the standard Collection figure sets (two of them do pop up in the DX line) and are instead gathered in a set of their own. Sadly there never was a 00-2 continuation as the series was no doubt losing steam at this point in time. It would have been great to see this series expand but it at least offers the core Gundam figures and some opponents from the three early main factions.

Gundam Collection Complex (2007-08)
The one-off Complex set with its dubious "The Best of Gundam Collection" subtitle collects nine previously released Gundam figures together with three brand new suits; the Exia, Gundam X and the Turn-A - the two latter only found here. The figures come on large white bases and the set is padded with variants just like the 00 set. Each figure has a silver and gold variation and a few of the figures have secret versions with all the secrets being recycled from previous waves as well.

Gundam Collection Meteor Unit (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Ver.) (2004)
While we never got any Archangel or Minerva in the 1:400 series the massive METEOR mobile armor system was released as a model kit. It comes with special empty handed versions of the Freedom and Justice designed to pilot it, but you'll need to get two boxes if you want a pair of them. Rounding out the parcel is an alternate sculpt of the Providence Gundam with a beam rifle.

Gundam Collection Meteor Unit (Gundam SEED Destiny Ver.) (2005)
The METEOR System was released once more with a trio of SEED Destiny era mobile suts. The Strike Freedom and the Infinite Justice are the new operators of the METEOR and we also get the Akatsuki Gundam with its space pack as an exclusive for this package.

Gundam Collection MA-08 Byg-Zam (2005)
The gargantuan Byg-Zam mobile armor model kit also includes a generous trio of smaller E.F.S.F. figures meant to try to oppose it. Since I haven't assembled my Byg-Zam figure I have used the box art for that particular figure.

Gundam Collection Queen Mansa (2005)
The very large Queen Mansa mobile armor from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ comes with only a single extra figure, an alternate version of the Full Armor Double Zeta in a flying pose and armed only with a beam rifle. Since I have not built the Queen Mansa itself it appears here as printed on the box cover.

Gundam Collection Gundam GP03 vs. Neue Ziel (2006)
This is a huge limited box set containing not one but two very large mobile armors ready to go at each others' throats. The set also contains two alternate versions of the Gundam GP03S and the Gerbera Tetra.

Gundam Collection E.F.S.F. Tactical Combat Book (2005)
Bandai designed two core sets for their miniatures style tabletop skirmish game, one for the Earth Federation and one for the Principality of Zeon. The other factions do not have any designated starter sets. The boxes feature three unique variants of mobile suits released through the standard figure line. The Guncannon and the GM simply have different unit insignias whereas Gundam Unit 04 comes with a unique large beam rifle. The package also contains a few small dice, a slim measuring tape and some cut-out tokens and cardboard scenery, not really anything you would need to actually play the game since these mediocre accessories can easily be proxied with better stuff.

Gundam Collection Principality of Zeon Tactical Combat Book (2005)
The starter set for Zeon mirrors the Earth Federation box set to a point. The Zaku Kai has a new insignia, the Rick Dom has been repainted and the Kämpfer comes with a unique weapon. There are some minor superficial differences regarding cardboard cutout terrain but nothing spectacular here either (save for the miniatures of course).

Gundam Collection Alpha Azieru Pre-Order Item (2006)
These two miniatures come in a small promotional green box which I suppose was exclusive to people who pre-ordered the Alpha Azieru figure. The figures themselves have been released in their proper full colours in the regular figure line so this is nothing but a novelty item.

Gundam Collection Alpha Azieru (2006)
The mighty tall Alpha Azieru from Char's Counterattack makes for an impressive display item. It comes on a large action base which also allows for special versions of the Nu Gundam and Sazabi to engage in battle around it.

Gundam Collection White Base Assault Carrier
The most outrageous figures in the Gundam Collection line are the spaceships that are also modelled in 1:400 scale. They are typically around 60 centimeters long. The White Base comes with three exclusive variant figures of the ship's famous mobile suit squad. if you are happy enough to own one I offer my sympathies as far as storage concerns go.

Gundam Collection Musai-Class Light Cruiser
Ready to combat the White Base is the iconic Musai-class cruiser of the Principality of Zeon. The model comes with empty handed versions of Char's Zaku and a trio of mass production type Zakus that can be stored both inside the cruiser itself or loaded into the detachable Komusai re-entry craft. Pictures here are borrowed from the box art.

Gundam Collection CBS-70 Ptolemaios (2007)
The third of the large spaceships is the impressive Ptolemaios complete with the four classic Celestial Being mobile suits, here in versions ideal for storage in the containers. Since this model is terribly expensive I have taken the liberty of borrowing images from the box art here...

Gundam Collection Mecha Campaign (2004)
The Mecha Campaign box set is a promotional item which contains three fully transparent figures, and a Gundam Collection Mini Book which is more of a promotional booklet than anything else.

Gundam Collection 7-Eleven Exclusives (2009)
The Japanese 7-Eleven really has a thing for Mobile Suit Gundam, or rather, they know it sells. This is why we tend to see 7-11 themed model kits and figures pop up front, right and center. Of course Gundam Collection has a little set of figures of its own.

Gundam Collection 40.000.000 Anniversary Present Campaign A (2006)
Forty million units seems like an awesome achievement and something that well deserves a little jubilee edition. I wonder what quantities figures like Senshi Forte can rack up these days but I guess it amounts to only a fraction. This set comes in a simple brown box and is made up of reissued figures with an exclusive all-white Kamille figure which is so tiny that Bandai saw it fit to include a little magnifier. The figures come with a special display case and so do not have separate bases although they are fully compatible with other spare bases you may have lying around.

Gundam Collection 40.000.000 Anniversary Present Campaign B (2006)
And here we have the second jubilee set. The figures in this set are different in that they are single colour clear figures (making them generally useless) and also featuring a super tiny white Amuro Ray 1:400 figure in pilot uniform. The figures come in the same type of anniversary display box as the other set and so need to borrow bases from regular figures if you intend to use or display them as regular Gundam Collection figurines.

Dengeki Hobby Promotional Items (2002)
This figure is a Dengeki Hobby Magazine special item for the September 2002 issue. It appears to be a brand new sculpt and features a completely unique base type where instead of using pegs the feet are slid into place.

where can i buy all of these cool and nice stuffs coz im a reallyban avid fan of gundam franchises?
ReplyDeleteThese figures are all long out of market but you can still find a decent supply on eBay. Second-hand toymarkets in Far- and Southeast Asia are the cheapest source if you are fortunate enough to have access to that market.
DeleteI found a picture of Astray Gold Frame but it looks like a 1/400 model. It has a Bazooka and a shield and with base of a 1/400. Do anyone know where it came from or is it just a custom?
ReplyDeleteI have not heard of such a figure myself. The two Astrays from volume 4 have left arm held out a bit from the body and the elbow bent, with the right arm lifted and extended to the side, aiming at someone on the righthand side, holding either a beam rifle or a beam saber. Neither figure has a shield. The two Duels from volumes 3 and 4 feature bazookas that are pointed to the ground. Study the shape of the shoulders closely to see if they match the Strike or Duel for example. The Astray shoulders are quite boxy in comparison.
DeleteHere you can see the Astrays known to be in the collection:
This is the pic: https://imgur.com/a/bEqyccg
DeleteTo be honest, it looks sketchy, kit-bashed and repaint. But convincing.
That is the Astray figure alright, and it looks like the right hand and Bazooka comes from the O3 Duel figure. Not a bad job at all but i'd agree it is a kitbash.
DeleteI’m curious on the exact size of the dodai ys from vol. 2 more specifically would the gouf from mobile suit ensemble line fit on it
ReplyDeleteThe 1/400 DODAI YS can fit the Gouf (or other mobile suits like the Zaku II) from the 1:400 line but it is much too small for carrying something like a Gundam Converge or Ensemble figure. There is a larger ~1/285 Gashapon figure in the HGMS DX line from 2005 (currently not displayed here) which is large enough to accommodate a Converge Gouf but the Ensemble figure would be bigger still.
DeleteThank you so much, I am currently using a sd full color dodai ys for my ensemble gouf and it looks goofy but it works
DeleteI've gone into this topic in a bit more detail in this post:
I have been collecting these for 2 years now. Weirdly enough, they are to scale with NECA and Diamond Select Pacific Rim mechas, Titanium Black series Star Wars Millenium Falcon and airliner diecast.
ReplyDeleteSo, I have a weird diorama where Jaegers and Mobile Suits guarding an airport with Airbus 747s and Millenium Falcon.
Yep got to work with what you have! I have a pair of 1/400 Airport fire trucks that I thought would make a nice mini-diorama with a pair of BuCUEs in rescue colours but honestly I think the trucks look a bit tiny in comparison. For interesting building options also check out Bandai's Ultimate Structure and Ultraman Ultimate Luminous Gashapon series.
DeleteI found on shopee sale market, there was a seller in Thailand that had a lot of these, including a variant of Psycho Gundam. I was saving to buy Freedom and that variant, but went I back to the seller, everything was cleared out. I only managed to buy one figure from him.
DeleteSuch a shame.