With the relative quiet on the Converge scene right now (and a general unwillingness to start dealing with the latest Mobility Joint figures) I decided to go back in time a bit and take the opportunity to catch up on one of the really old sets. Yes, that golden age when Converge was still a novel thing and just an unassuming Shokugan toy linefor kids to collect. Volume 4 relesed in September 2011 back when the figures had a recommended retail price of ¥350.
Back when I purchased these figures I hadn't yet learned about the wonders of Mandarake and so had to spend an arm and a leg to get hold of some of these figures on the international market. You could expect to spend $10-15 USD on eBay at the time and I even had to sell out $23 for that Sinanju. There is still plenty of outrageous pricing going on at online marketplaces like eBay but some of these figures used to be quite pricey also in Japan. Prices have for the most part come down over the years, especially after the Converge #Sharp re-sculpts appeared.
21 : RX-78-2 Gundam (The Final Decisive Battle version)
The Hyper Bazooka-wielding RX-78 is the first Converge figure to be repeat although it at least comes with alternate gear. It has the classic Converge look and proportions and as you can see quite a good painting standard with no skimping on the back side. Figures from this era usually are restricted to arms that rotate at the shoulder and wiggly hands, as far as articulation goes. Many of the early figures have shaped pegs for their heads.
Because I have sat on these figures for nearly ten years some of them won't have the typical component or packaging shots but there is nothing exotic about the packaging, all the early Converges come in half a dozen parts or so and feature the clip-style leg-support that is optional for 99% of the time.
Early Converge repeat figures can usually be told apart through differences in colour or markings, whether this was intentional or not I have no idea about. The bazooka-wielding figure from this set has a very dark blue bordering on violet colour tone on its torso as its main identifier. There may well be hybrid variants floating around on the used market which is something to keep in mind.
The Converge #Sharp re-sculpt of this figure appeared in November 2021 and must be considered an enormous flop. While the new sculpt is incredibly attractive, the colouring very anime-like and the figure now featuring multiple accessories it still cannot stand up properly even when using its baseplate. The figure you see here is standing on a leaning plane so as not to fall on its face.
Secret : RX-78-3 G3 Gundam (Dual Bazooka version)
The secret item of this wave is also the first appearance of the G-3 Gundam in Converge. Up until this point the secret figure versions were simply the main item with a different weapon arm (in fact bazookas for all of them so the designers couldn't do that trick one more time...). Volume four ups the game of the secret figures with a complete colour swap - the first of many such releases.
The secret figures were always connected to their main figure versions and came packaged in the standard figure boxes effectively making them the first blind-buy items in Converge. Resellers have explained in the comments here previously that it was possible to determine which figure was which, due to the way the individual figures were packaged in the storefront boxes when shipped from the factory. An A-B type of pattern would be used which seems to indicate that the distribution between the regular and the secret figure was 50/50, effectively making the two much rarer than the other figures in the set in the process. A variant of this practice still exists in Mobile Suit Ensemble and Gashapon Senshi Forte making colour variations infuriatingly rare.
Converge never did seem to settle on what colour a G-3 Gundam is supposed to be and we have seen some really unorthodox suggestions over the years. Eventually they seem to land on lore-accurate but I still think it is kind of charming to have all these wild designs.
The Dual Bazooka G-3 re-sculpt was released in the same batch as the RX-78 and suffers from the exact same issues in spite of its very attractive looks. Bandai literally delivered a facepalm.
22 : MSN-06S Sinanju
Volume 4 is loaded with high-profile suits and after seeing the Unicorn, ReZEL and Jegan it was time to bring out the Sinanju. The first impression is that the base colour is very bright almost pinkish. This is however offset by the great looking black and gold designs even present on the kneecaps where they can barely be seen. We also have nice (if a bit sloppy) white paint detail on the thruster binders. It is going to be interesting to see how much painted detail we will get on the Mobility Joint Sinanju when it releases in November.
The Sinanju was a complex figure for its time and I think it is no coincidence that it hasn't resurfaced as a regular Converge #Sharp figure but only in EX form. The obvious lack of its iconic shield seems like an apparent budget constraint.
There are three different variants of the Sinanju in Converge. Seen at the top is the 2012 figure which corrects all the issues of the previous retail edition; sporting a darker and metallic red colour and equipping the missing shield (and also a variant of its beam rifle with the underslung launcher). This figure is obtainable in the Converge SP 02 pack together with a Destroy Mode Unicorn. Seen below is the upgraded re-sculpt from the 2018 Full Weapon Set edition (EX 23) which also comes with multiple weapon choices and a display stand.
23 : LM312V04 Victory Gundam
Victory gets a surprisingly early entry into the Converge line-up with its two main mobile suit variants. It would be crickets from here on however until 2015 when Bandai revisited the V2 and then finally expanded the line-up in 2020. The basic Victory Gundam figure looks a bit plain which can be explained by its somewhat toned down colour scheme but the sculpt itself is very detailed so if you are equipped with a thin brush and a lot of patience you can really turn it up a couple of notches.
24 : LM314V21 Victory Two Gundam
Things get more interesting with the introduction of the V2 which features more colour in its design. Still, by modern standard you have to consider these figures rather limited compared to what would follow. As with many Converge figures a lot of design work goes into the eyes but these end up being hidden underneath a massive forehead most of the time (unlike on the box art which always features intensely glowing eyes).
Old but gold: The mandatory Converge League Militaire line-up: LM312V04 Victory Gundam (Converge 23), LM314V21 Victory Two Gundam (Converge 24), LM314V24 Victory 2 Assault Gundam (Converge 110), LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam (Converge 117) and the LM314V23/24 V2 Assault-Buster Gundam (Converge 110+117).
The Victory line has benefitted a lot in the Converge #Sharp era, perhaps more so than any other Gundam franchise with the exception of Crossbone. Where the Principality of Zeon re-sculpts were (for some incomprehensible reason) sized down the Victory Gundams instead keep growing. The fact that the V2 is smaller than the Victory is due to it being released first and Bandai obviously didn't feel happy enough about that size either. :) Just like the Sinanju, the early Victory figures would have benefitted a lot from carrying shields.
25 : MS-14S Gelgoog (Char's Custom)
The Gelgoog figure was one of the first Converge figures I got my hands on after that fateful first encounter at an Okashiland store in Hong Kong. It has everything that I am attracted to in a figure; uncomplicated, robust (well, consider gluing that antenna...) and very colourful. The figure has a gimmicky Zeon monoeye but since it is hidden in shadow for most of the time you don't really need to mess with it I feel. The shield is designed to go on the left arm and there isn't any peg on the figure's back for optional storage. The hand is molded directly on the weapon and has a semi-decent paintjob to separate the two.
The Converge #Sharp re-sculpt from 2017 refines the figure design further and tones down some of the colour choices. The new figure also introduces a new Beam Naginata weapon and a shield that can be mounted on the back, however the shield loses its window in the process.
26 : YMS-15 Gyan
The Gyan is one of those figures that traded at really high prices on the Japanese secondary market although it seems to have come down somewhat after the reissue but it still remains a really attractive and unique Converge figure. A lot of the oomph-factor comes from its thick translucent beam saber (which shows that yes, the Victory could indeed have got a beam shield if they really wanted it to). The figure is very sturdy, but again look out for that tip of the head when shopping for used figures which could easily be lost.
The left arm has a long peg intended for the shield from which it is never intended to part. It would have been nice to have the missiles that are stored in the center section of the shield painted black - it is not something I would want to try myself because I am bound to mess at least one of them up. :)
We saw the re-sculpted Gyan recently in one of the Converge Anniversary Selection sets released in January this year. I haven't really taken a liking to the new version even though it is more colour accurate, something about the size of its head feels way off and the new saber looks pretty timid in comparison to the old one. It is utterly ironic too, that both my Gyan figures have a black spot on the left cheek, are Bandai trying to gaslight me by any chance?
While some of the older figures may appear a bit dated by today's Converge standard there is a lot to like about their simplicity and overall uniformity when it comes to size and presentation, ideal for side by side display which isn't always the case with the new #Sharp figures. If you are just starting your Converge adventure this is a good time as the Japanese secondary market is pretty well stocked and it is certainly more fun to dive in among the retail figures before throwing down your money in the sinkhole that is Premium Bandai.