September is just around the corner and we can look forward to Bandai releasing its 23rd #Sharp figure through retail. Even though it is almost two years since the previous numbered set there have been a couple of other retail volumes released in between. The Operation Jaburo set was the latest in that line and somewhat shockingly also the very first retail figure set to come out of Converge in 2023. To say that it is a cause for excitement would be going a bit far, considering that we are in fact looking at a set of revisions of figures released between 2018 and 2019. This set is sold as individual figures and should not be confused with the Operation Jaburo box set from 2012.

If you are already familiar with the Gundam Converge #Sharp series you can see that this set contains no mysteries or wild easter eggs. The main difference from the original releases is a sprinkling of metallic colours (on exposed inner frame components primarily) and the occasional new marking. The most obvious change is the introduction of camouflage patterned unit bases, and yes all the bases have the same distinct pattern which I think is a bit of a missed opportunity but I am sure it kept the cost down somewhat.

Before we begin here is just a quick reminder of the line-up in the old Jaburo set from 2012. Bandai has kept the EFSF line-up unchanged but done a real shake-up on the Zeon side, cutting the number of participants down from 4 to 2. Considering how the new figures are sold separately I don't really see any reason why the new set couldn't have featured more figures, we do have existing #Sharp sculpts for all the mobile suits save for the MSM-10 Zock already after all. Apart from the Zaku II, Gouf and Dom that were axed I sure would have loved to see especially the Acguy make an appearance this time around.
RX-78-2 Gundam (Operation Jaburo ver.)

Just like in the first Operation Jaburo set the Gundam appears in its lovely Real Type colour scheme. While the Real Type configuration is strictly an MSV-design and did not appear in the actual show I do like Bandai's choice to keep using it here as it makes perfect sense. As you can see, my figure has a bit of a bent bazooka, unfortunately not that uncommon of a sight as it should be.

The Gundam figure comes with two optional weapons, the beam rifle and the hyper bazooka. The shield is also optional and can go either on the left arm or on the back of the backpack. The bazooka can be mounted on the back skirt armour but the beam rifle is not designed to do so.

The Real Type colour-Gundam already has a #Sharp release through the Premium Converge CORE range. It is part of a great 5-figure Real Type-Color set that came out in 2019, this explains why the original figure has even better markings than the Jaburo reissue. Notice also the different green colour tone chosen this time around. Both figures are based on the original #Sharp RX-78-2 figure which first came out in the volume #08 in 2017. It is shorter than the beautiful redefined sculpt that came out together with the G-3 Gundam in volume #22 (released November 2021) but the latter is unfortunately a bit of a failed design that has problems standing upright even with its base attached. Also seen in this picture are a couple of premium variants based on the same sculpt as the Jaburo machine.

RX-77-2 Guncannon (Operation Jaburo ver.)

You will quickly notice a pattern with the Jaburo re-releases, do a subtle colour tweak and slap some new markings onto the figure and call it done. In the case of the Guncannon you can identify the Jaburo machine from its bright red colour and EFSF anchor-style insignia on its chest.

The Guncannon comes with its optional missile launcher armament so you may want to get two of these if you are a completionist like yours truly. Notice how both the 240mm cannons and backpack have been repainted in metallic colour but the beam rifle remains the standard flat gray, presumably because the hand is sculpted directly onto the rifle and the designers thought that metallic hands would have looked out of place. Poor Guncannon, you can tell it belongs to the Converge B-team that still don't get weapons separated from its hands, something that many of the #Sharp re-sculpts have done away with.

The #Sharp Guncannon first appeared as a premium CORE-release with Unit 108 markings in March 2018. The darker coloured retail edition appeared the same month, seen here with both weapon options. In the front row we have the striking Real Type Colour variant from the same P-Bandai set as the old Real Type Colour Gundam, the RX-77D Mass Production Type machine from 2020 and the new Jaburo machine. This autumn we can also look forward to a White Dingo version of the Mass Production Type, it should begin shipping in September.

RX-75 Guntank (Operation Jaburo ver.)

The last member of the OG trio, the Guntank has got a metallic repaint style going across several parts of its body as well as getting the aforementioned EFSF emblem on its front armour. The main cannons have some sort of greenish/blue hue to the metallic colour, noticeably different from the colour used on the arms. I like it.

The Guntank is a bit of an oddity in that there is no peg to attach it to its base. While it is certainly not needed it is always a bit of an anomaly since many figures with very stable feet get that piercing anyway. The antennas on the figure's head look frail but are made from very soft bendy plastic. Still, as you cut them from their sprues the plastic underneath the red coat of paint will become visible, but at least that side of the components is facing the backside. Still, not great.

The Jaburo Guntank is a bit of a mash-up of the previous releases. The figure first appeared together with the Unit 108 Guncannon in 2018 and later saw retail release as a darker figure in Converge #11 in June of the same year. The Jaburo figure has an overall darker body colour but uses the brighter cockpit glass, at least now you can find a new combination and so the one that appeals the best to you.

RGM-79 GM (Operation Jaburo ver.)

The GM is a relatively recent Converge figure; recent in that it appeared in the last numbered #Sharp volume, number 22 from late 2021, not so recent in that the numbered retail sets are almost two years apart by now. The Jaburo release of the GM is very similar to the 2021 release, the easiest way to tell them apart is the EFSF emblem on the Jaburo machine.

It is always disappointing to see a mass production type figure getting a single weapon option. The beam saber should have been a default accessory for this figure, but you can at least find a bazooka option in the recent Real Type-colour P-Bandai set it was featured in this February.

Not counting GM Snipers and the like we have the shorter GM II released in a similar colour style back in Converge #05 (January 2017), the just mentioned basic retail edition from Sharp #22 (November 2021) and the bazooka-wielding Real Type-colour variant from February 2023. The visor colour of the Jaburo figure appears to have a slight blue tint when compared to the previous retail edition.

MSM-07S Z'Gok (Char's Custom) (Operation Jaburo ver.)

I am not a huge fan of the new Z-Gok sculpt with its odd transparent cover in front of the monoeye and the entire top section of the head has a propensity for falling off very easily. The Jaburo edition as such however is probably one of the more interesting figures to come out of this set. The entire body has been repainted in a darker tone and the arms and legs now feature metallic paint on the exposed sections (just like Bandai did it with the old Jaburo figure). The new figure also has a little Zeonic crest added underneath the eye where it barely does fit - it seems like an afterthought for the hell of it.

One of the major improvements of the #Sharp Z'Gok figure is that the claws are now mounted directly onto the tip of the beam cannons. The ancient Z'Gok from 2011 featured six tiny individual claws that came on a sprue, great if you want to modify the figure to do closed and opened hands, but accompanied by a constant fear of losing them.

I thought it was interesting to compare how the old era Converge figures changed the appearance of the Z'Gok between the retail release (Converge Vol. 3, released June 2011) and the Jaburo box set-edition (December 2012). The pattern is recognizable also in the #Sharp releases (the retail #Sharp Z'Gok first appeared in Converge #15 in May 2019).

MSM-07 Z'Gok (Operation Jaburo ver.)

The mass production-type Z'Gok used to be one of the holy grails of Gundam Converge. Available only as a 7-Eleven exclusive released in September 2011 it was a constant thorn in collector's sides until the #Sharp release finally appeared in Converge #17, December 2019. I always find it interesting to check on its market value when I encounter it in these reviews, currently Mandarake is offering it for about 2000 yen. It isn't that long ago the price hovered around 5000. Hint to Bandai; I am still waiting for you to repeat that trick with the Marasai...

Ok, so a I am not talking a great deal about the new Jaburo Z'Gok am I? Well, there isn't that much to say, it has been given the same treatment as Char's machine - a dark colour scheme, plenty of metallic coating on exposed areas and the same little out of place yellow Zeonic emblem. It does look like the actual claws have received a colour swap from off-white to something almost cyan.

As is often the case with Gundam figurines, the base colours of the suits vary wildly from release to release. Too bad we didn't get some more Zeonic suits in this set, I would have been curious to see what they would have done with the MS-09 Dom or MS-07B Gouf.

The Operation Jaburo figure set is a competent if a bit uninspiring release. It is primarily a great opportunity for recent collectors to catch up and fill gaps in their collections, but most of the retail figures are still readily available at very decent prices. I really do appreciate that Bandai didn't go the box set route this time around, as it should make it easy for people to cherry pick any of the figures they might be more interested in. As for me, I can't wait to get some new suits with volume #23 this autumn!