When Bandai announced that the White Dingo Team was coming to Converge I blew as gasket somewhere in my head and had to pinch myself really hard. I tend to go hard on Bandai for their lacklustre premium releases (the recent "marking plus" versions of the Full Armor ZZ Gundam and Queen Mansa come to mind) but there is still a lot of good releases coming out in 2023 and this one is certainly in the top echelon. The CORE 037 premium box set shipped to pre-order customers in September and was priced at ¥5450. I was lucky to find a set on the secondary market for ¥7000, I had honestly expected it to be worse. Premium releases such as these tend to be high in demand shortly after release but sometimes come down in price as availability begins to outpace customers with a bad case of FOMO.

The CORE box-art is usually very sparse. While the typical Converge figure comparative stats are nowhere to be seen (as on most CORE releases) I was pleased to see that here each figure has a little introductory text associated with it. Of course, in Japanese only.

The box is packaged tight with eight plastic bags folded up and crammed inside. As usual with the Converge bags your hands will feel disgustingly sticky after handling them but it doesn't affect the figures held inside.

Parts and accessories as distributed per plastic bag. Except for the add-ons fo the Hover Truck the other two bags consist of a generous load of weapon and shield options, I am really only missing one or two beam sabers here (should be salvageable from other Converge figures I guess but still... it would have been icing on the cake).

As usual of late, there is no printed assembly instruction leaflet included in the package, instead Bandai want you to go to their website and find a pdf there, download it for future reference...

This is the official artwork for the mobile suits in the White Dingo squad. Notice the colours used and how the Converge figures go for a light blue and grey palette rather than the off-white and almost greenish grey. I watched some in-game footage of Rise From the Ashes and would say that the suits are generally medium to dark grey with a bit of a violet tinge depending on the ambient light. The game's cover image sports GMs painted in flat light and medium grey. Bottom line: Make of it what you will. The various insignia and markings on the other hand seem to be very precise and spot-on across the figures down to the letter.

I think a few words on the SEGA Dreamcast game is also in order. Released back in 1999 it also stands out for having an English translation released the following year. It sees the player taking on the job of Lieutenant Master Pierce Rayer because of course that is what his mother named him. You are tasked with selecting mobile suit and equipment of choice for both you and your two squadmates. A Hover Truck provides additional sensors and communications support. You then bumble around the battlefield during the Australian liberation campaign in what looks like a really fun if a bit limited simulation. It is not quite MechWarrior standard, its style reminds me more of the old Sierra gem Earthsiege II.
RGM-79 GM (White Dingo Team Custom)

The GM is your basic mobile suit choice and starts running around on the battlefield with either a YHI YF-MG100 100mm machine gun or the 6-round BLASH HB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka. You also get to choose between the sturdy FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-003 basic shield or the fanged YHI RGM-S-Sh-WF/S-00109 Shield which also has some limited use in melee combat. All these weapons are available to you through the extra equipment bags but the basic figure comes in a bag with the bazooka or the Beam Spray Gun. I'm not sure if the gun will be introduced into the game at later stages but I didn't see it so far. Talking about the Converge figure in general the colour scheme is very attractive and the unit markings look very good overall. It is always a bit nerve wracking to see how the figures turn out when you take them out of the packaging but I had no bad surprises here.

The GM is a relative latecomer to the Converge #Sharp line but since its introduction in Converge #22 November 2021 it has already been given four appearances and I hope there will be more to come. The GM family is really large and Converge has only begun to dip its toes into that pond. Seen here from left to right are the Converge #22 basic GM, the Real Type Colour version from CORE 032 (February 2023), the Operation Jaburo version with camouflage pattern base (June 2023) and the new White Dingo Team version.

RGC-80 GM Cannon (White Dingo Team Custom)

Next up is a brand new sculpt for Converge #Sharp. The GM Cannon is the GM's bigger brother with additional armour and an over the shoulder 24cm cannon. Our Converge figure carries what I believe is a prototype beam rifle (the shape is reminiscent of the BLASH XBR-M-79E rifle used by the Ez-8, one such rifle is also included in this set as an optional accessory) but in game the suit starts out with the same armament options as the basic GM. The generous inclusion of extra weaponry and shields lets you kit the figures to your preference although the beam weaponry is a bit limited. You also get an optional left holding hand to let the machine dual wield, mainly intended for the 100mm Machine Guns although you are free to go crazy here. I love the look of the dark grey armour on the lower legs and the two GM figure designs complement each other well on display. Be careful with its two antennas that you have to cut away from a little sprue. Those peg holes are really tiny and the antennas were not a solid fit. I consider cutting the pegs off entirely and gluing the antennas into place but so far haven't dared to mess with these expensive figures. :)

The GM Cannon was featured in the old Converge generation in volume 15 as figure 91 (released June 2014), with a secret colour option. Lined up here from left to right is the basic MSV standard Earth Federation colour option, the special maroon-colour Jaburo Defense Team version seen briefly in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and the new White Dingo Team Custom. Notice that both the early figures are armed with the Beam Spray Gun.

RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type (White Dingo Team Custom)

Not initially available in the campaign the Mass Production Type Guncannon later joins in with its dual 240cm cannons attached to the backpack. The figure is packaged with one 100mm machine gun and also includes an option left hand to enable it to wield two. I have some minor issues on my figure with the antennas that go into the back of the head. These do not fit the peg hole squarely and so bulge out a little which in turn affects the backpack. This can be address with a knife but care should be exercised so as not to cut away too much, as I noticed that some of the pegs are rather loose on the White Dingo figures.

I really didn't expect to see the Mass Production Guncannon make it to Converge but it arrived in a flurry of War in the Pocket-themed releases in 2020. The standard colour variant is a retail release from Converge #20 and arrived in September 2020.

RGM-79SP GM Sniper II (White Dingo Team Custom)

The last suit in the team is the advanced Sniper II variant which can trace its pedigree to the GM Command family. It has a very distinct colour scheme that stands out from the other suits in this set and is of course armed with a massive long range BLASH XBR-X-79YK beam rifle. The figure's hand is moulded directly onto the rifle but you do get an optional right hand which lets the suit pick up any of the other weapons. he suit also has its own distinct shield type but feel free to swap the shields around if you want.

Side by side with the standard blue GM Sniper II figure from Converge #19. Notice the various changes to the design, besides the shield swap we also have a Vulcan Pod attached to the right side of the head and the GM Sniper II's standard Franz EF-KAR98K 75mm Sniper Rifle (not an obvious World War II-reference at all, they may just as well have called it Fritz...) is replaced with the BLASH XBR-X-79YK (the latter is also used by the RGM-79[G] GM Sniper).

The Gundam Converge GM Command family currently consists of the GM Command and GM Command Space Type (both released in Converge #18 in March 2020), the standard colour Sniper II (Converge #19, released in June 2020) and the new White Dingo machine. If we are stretching it we also have the related RGM-79SC Sniper Custom (a Converge-classic from volume 9 released in December 2012) based on the basic GM. If Bandai will finally turn its eye to The 08th MS Team - maybe we could also see the green RGM-79[G] GM Sniper (which belongs to the Ground Type Gundam family) as well.

Type 74 Hover Truck (White Dingo Team Custom)

The Type 74 - or more accurately the M353A4 Bloodhound - is a 4-crew support vehicle that runs around the ankles of your average mobile suit but is not intended to partake in combat. Lightly armed with a 20mm Vulcan cannon on a swivelling turret the machine instead sports a ground sonar detection suite and a retractable antenna. Its designation implies there are many variants of this vehicle but to my knowledge none have appeared in any media so far. This particular unit, callsign "Oasis", comes in a light beige colour with the White Dingo emblem on its left side (I would be really happy if Bandai would produce the standard grey colour variant). The fine sculpting on this model is incredibly detailed; those little window slits are crazy small and mess with my brain. Not so appealing though are the two antennae that need to go into very tiny peg holes on the turret sides. This did not go perfectly and once again I considered chopping off the pegs and gluing them in place.

We've had multiple Hover Trucks released in the part couple of years and the line-up now includes vehicles of all shapes and sizes, not to mention colour. Seen here from left to right are two accurately scaled Bloodhounds in 1/350 and 1/300 scale from the Gsight and Strategy of Gundam lines, released 2003 and 2006 respectively. To the right of the Converge figure we see two deformed figures from Mobile Suit Ensemble Part 09 (March 2019) and MicroWars 02 (July 2019). As for special features; apart from the Converge machine the Strategy of Gundam figure has a gimmick that allows it to replace the storage area canvas tarp with a rotating anti-air turret (badass by the way), the Ensemble figure can deploy its Ground Sonar and the MicroWars figure has an opening cockpit seating two crew figures, or one soldier in the turret.

There is a lot of optional weapons for the mobile suits to pick and choose from. I am not going to go into great lengths about covering which weapons are intended for which suit, (consult the build instructions for more detail) but will just point out that the GM and the Guncannon both have an optional left holding hand which enables them to dual wield. The Sniper has an optional right hand which allows it to carry any of the other weapons used by the rest of the squad. Above you can see a random mix where everyone got new weapons and shields to give you an idea of the set's customization options. I am really tempted to get a second pack to be able to mix things up a bit like this.

The Hover Truck gets a set of option parts which sees it extend its front and rear dozer blades and deploy the Ground Sonar. I find it a bit peculiar that the sonar component is not long enough to reach the ground, I would have expected it to be a bit longer (the Ensemble figure has the same problem by the way). The telescopic antenna at the back of the vehicle can be raised but again, like the Ensemble figure this is pointless since it cannot extend to its full length. It would have been really cool to get an option part with the full antenna (which is something like 4 times as tall as the vehicle itself), I suppose it wouldn't be the most complex component to custom make though but still seems like an oversight from the designers. A premium figure set is the natural place to include such a component.

Can you tell I am salivating all over this thing already? I am really happy that Bandai are finally reaching for the easy pickings and doing these themed Converge CORE releases. Besides the various Char-themed multi-packs I have been really pleased with sets like this such as the Shrike Team from Victory or the Anavel Gato team from last year. In 2024 we will have another set centred around Shin Matsunaga and I wonder if Bandai have turned their eyes on Garma Zabi yet? I do realize however that this type of set is not for everyone and the price is a bit prohibitive, but when you consider the average prices of the standard retail figures on the secondary market these days the gap between retail and premium seems to shrink constantly.