Well now, here is something you don't get to see that often. A complete store display box of the Strategy of Gundam Ex III series. Or to be more precise, I have never seen it again before or after I stumbled on this one. The S.O.G. figures series are a very detailed Gashapon figure range consisting almost exclusively of Universal Century mobile suits in a to-scale range of 1:300. This places them sizewise between the slightly larger Gashapon HG and various 1:220 figure series and the smaller Gsight (1:350) and Gundam Collection (1:400) ranges. A display box contains 12 random (not so random, really) figures from a range of - in this case six - different figure sets to collect.

Let's do a walk around of the display box. Just like many cardgame boxes this one also allows for the lid to be folded and raised as an eye catcher to bid you to part with your money. On the sides we see the expected contents as well as the barcode and price.

Since this is the only SOG EX III display box I have opened I can't say with any certainty how Bandai chose to seed them, but from this particular example it seems the norm was to do three of every basic figure. That is, the Kämpfer and Hygogg having two variants therefore become a little less common than the others. The natural expectation to see two of each of the six different figure variants wolud have made these two mobile suits all the more common, which I don't think would have necessarily been a bad thing. :) Anyway, looking at the individual items as they are organized in the box the distribution ended up like in the chart below:

Notice how the figures are sorted vertically first, starting out with figure number one and going in order all the way to figure number six. The Kämpfer and the Hygogg get one variant each in the main sequence and then get a random(?) extra at the very end there. It would be interesting to compare notes with anyone else who has done a similar unboxing.

Each individual figure comes in a stylish box of its own, showing off the full range of possible contents numbered one to six (The Full Armor Alex is shown on one of the sides of the box and I didn't bother to include it here). Looking at the item number above the barcode I do believe these figures had an original recommend sales price of 450 yen each. That is about the same as I paid for this box last year, ¥5000 for the full box which makes this a somewhat pricey piece of nostalgia.

If you carefully open up the smaller box (look for the perforated edge of one corner to make this easier) you can find some additional information about the Strategy of Gundam series, a customer service registration card and a plug for the next retail basic figure series, volume four titled Operation Rubicon. According to the information I have gathered, it appears both of these two sets were released in tandem in March of 2007.

Each of the six figures comes in a multi-compartment plastic bag which helps to keep the smaller components from disappearing during the transfer. SOG figures are overall fairly sturdy and composed of several components and not so much a victim to plastic warping and bending as some other similarly sized figures (Gashapon HGMS and Gsight come to mind).

And here is a basic overview of the figures as they came out of their individual bags. This is not a complete disassembly of each figure but rather shows the state these particular figures happened to come in. The set is as you can see almost exclusively centered on the War in the Pocket miniseries.
1. RX-78NT-1FA Full Armor Gundam "Alex"

The first figure in this set is in my opinion the least interesting, and I find it less than convincing playing the role of an EX figure. Now, don't get me wrong, the Full Armor Alex is a unique and interesting design and the figure looks the part, complete with the semi-weathered feel so typical of S.O.G. I just don't think there is a lot of EX content in the box. Besides the Alex itself you also get a couple of accessories, notably a hand holding a beam rifle and one holding a saber. You also get a non-armored right arm.

The optional arm seems like a curious inclusion but it is in fact intended for the retail Alex figure that comes in S.O.G. Volume Four. That figure is armed only with a single gatling gun and a shield and all the extra gear in this box is really intended for that figure. It is possible to equip the Full Armor Alex with the weapons from the standard Alex figure which is also neat. However I did run in to a rather major problem. After testing out the new weapons on the basic Alex figure I found that the peg hole in the right arm socket had been widened to the point where its original gatling gun arm would no longer fit, it simply falls out now. Not cool, Bandai.

The last accessory in the box is the torso of a brutalized GM Cold District Type, presumably after Kaminsky got his claws deep into it. While a neat little piece of scenery I think the EX box would have had more value if Bandai actually placed a GM figure next to the Alex, or why not a second standard Alex figure. The box contents feel a little slim to me as is.

2. MS-18E Kämpfer (Shotgun ver.)

Everybody's favourite Zeon suit the Kämpfer is up next, and comes in two versions. This first variant is armed with a single Jagdgewehr shotgun and a beam saber. It also carries two Giant Bazookas on its back and two Sturmfaust single use rockets on its knees. You also get a clenched right hand and an open left hand as option parts if you prefer to only arm the figure with one or none of its handheld weapons. The Giant Bazookas and the Sturm Faust rocket launchers are not designed to be used however. The figure has been gently weathered and this includes also the beam saber which looks a bit odd. With all the elongated soft plastic components you can also expect some bendy parts here and there, typically with the bazookas. Still, this is a killer design and a thing of beauty.

Side by side with the watered down version of the Kämpfer that was sold through the Strategy of Gundam volume 4 Operation Rubicon. The simpler figure still upholds the look of the EX variant, complete with the Cyclops Team insignia on the left cheek, but it has been stripped of most of its weapons. You can also notice that the basic figure lacks some of the colour applications found on the EX machine; less thrusters have been painted yellow (the EX figure itself also misses a few) and the boosters mounted on its thighs are not painted gray.

3. MS-18E Kämpfer (Chain Mine ver.)

The secondary variant of the Kämpfer comes with the odd Chain Mine implement, an accessory that is often faithfully replicated on figures of the Kämpfer although the whole thing is a bit ludicrous. The detailing of the accessory is great but it is a bit limited in what you can do with it and I definitely prefer the basic Shotgun / Beam Saber combo. This figure also comes with a clenched right fist so you could always mix and match the accessories of both Kämpfer figures to try out some alternate configurations.

4. MSM-03C Hy-Gogg

The second big highlight of this set is the very meaty Hygogg figure which again is available in two versions. The basic version features two normal clawed hands and it looks absolutely fantastic. The detailing on this thing is phenomenal, just check out those bulging hands with those menacing beam cannons. The suit also carries an orange discardable jet pack on its back which gives it limited flight capacity. The appearance is improved by the Cyclops Team insignia and a gentle layer of weathering, a signature thing for most SOG figures.

Another impressive thing about the SOG Hygogg figure is its size. It almost reaches the size of the (very anemic-looking) STANDart Hygogg which is supposed to be a 1/220 scale representation. You could almost bring the SOG figure into your 1/220 line-up, at least if you relegate it to the background.

5. MSM-03C Hy-Gogg (Hand Missile Unit ver.)

The secondary variant of the Hygogg figure comes with a single use Hand Missile Unit covering up the right hand completely. This is a completely static pose as there is no way to open up the covering panels.

The obvious choice of comparison here would be the 1/220 scale Universal Unit representation of the Hygogg from 2016. It stands taller than the STANDart figure and also sports an openable Hand Missile Container but the rest of that figure is a bit mediocre.

Either Hygogg figure can also share its Jet Pack with the Experimental Z'Gok from the Operation Rubicon retail set. I think Bandai could well have afforded to include a spare Jet Pack with the EX figure rather than forcing us to leave one machine without. It is not like it would have been a huge additional cost.

6. RGM-79FP GM Striker

The last box in this set takes a departure from War in the Pocket and instead comes with two mobile suits sprung out of the Harmony of Gundam project which began releasing material in November 2006, shortly before the launch Ex III. We'll start by looking at the Earth Federation GM Striker, a curious close combat variant of the GM armed with a Halberd-like Twin Beam Spear which you just know is going to be a bent mess in a PVC Gashapon realization. The rest of the figure is looking really sharp though, and I love the colouring and sculpting. Again, it makes little sense to create a close combat mobile suit but at least it looks good.

I encountered one production issue in this display box; one of the Strikers had been packaged with two left arms. Still, I was able to salvage the situation with the help of some super glue, let's see if you can spot the leftie in this group. :)

6. MS-05L Zaku I Sniper Type

The second figure in the last box is this stunningly beautiful Zaku Sniper Type. It sports a sandy colour and some heavy weathering on top. To assemble it you have to attach the power cable from the back pack to the front of the Beam Sniper Rifle. Due to the way this piece is designed it ended up with a worrying crack in the plastic where the bend became too much for the material to handle. I had this problem to some extent on all of the figures and it could well end up breaking the part off completely, so exercise caution here.

Strategy of Gundam Ex III is a phenomenal figure set that has a natural place in any SOG collection. The main problem is actually finding the figures as the figure line only tends to show up as brief appearances on the secondary market and it can be quite frustrating actually finding them. Still, EX figures appear to be more commonly seen than the cheaper retail figures so I guess there is that...