It is a time for a movie special. We see this type of cross-promotion items in Converge from time to time. While I don't know the exact specifics surrounding this particular item it appears to be an advance-purchase bonus for people who bought their ticket to the fourth installment of the recent Reconguista in G television series movie adaptation. I couldn't find RG4 on but the third episode was released in July last year so presumably the movie already premiered by now.
I really adore these little black special boxes. While the G-Self is an old era Converge figure the box has been upsized to match the length and height of the new Converge #Sharp generation but it isn't quite as thick because why standardize?
Converge veterans will immediately recognize the traditional clear base that snaps to the ankles of the figure to help it stand upright. Luckily most figures have no need of this contraption (and the same tends to go for most of the new figures as well).
While I have purchased several advance ticketing items before this is the first time I have actually received a copy of the ticket itself. You'd think that the person who bought the ticket but didn't care for the figure at least went to the cinema? Has it even aired yet? Anyway, this is a cool little keepsake roughly the exact same height as the figur box itself.
The original G-Self figure actually came in two variants. The standard figure featured the beam rifle and the shield while the "secret variant" (which was found in the same type of box, presumably at a ratio of 1:1) instead featured the beam saber and a blue shield. I am not up to date on the Reconguista lore but I can at least see that the two shields have different molds so it appears to be a case of upgraded gear kind of like the Barbatos uses rather than colour shifting armor like the Strike Gundam utilizes.
I have always found the G-Self design to be really attractive (especially in the compact format of Converge and smaller SD figures) even though the design is a little bit derivative. The YG-111 is all about different equipment packs in the school of the Strike and Impulse Gundams and the only variant we got in Converge comes with an Atmospheric Pack which is similar to those of the Aile Strike and Justice Gundams. The figure has been given a new metallic coat which I have to say looks really, really good. While the metallic and pearl colour variations can be a bit hit or miss this is definitely one of the better ones.
Here we have the optional gear from the original secret version figure. I have to say this figure looks so good that I am tempted to purchase a second unit just so I can display them both side by side. :)
While the original G-self figure was also good looking I think this metallic version is a major improvement. It is a bit of a shame that Bandai gave up on both G-Reco and Iron Blooded Orphans so quickly, a fate that has also befallen After War Gundam X. Still, the deep dive done by FusonWorks into both F91 and Victory as of late maybe means that one day we can get to see a couple more suits from these unusual eras too.
I second that last paragraph, Sarge. I wish we got more Gundam X and Iron Blooded Orphans figures. Maybe one day...