Aaahh.. Summer, that special season of pushing out beach-themed alt art cards or naughty bikini-skins for your Gacha-game characters - complete with social media controversy and drama. For its part, Converge treads a different path; the path of rehashing. Maybe some of the development team is on holiday and you just want a reasonably simple launch without too much hassle. That green UC Selection was pretty cool for example, should we do something like that again? Or how about a trip to Jaburo? Oh wait... we did that last year? Well, don't sweat it, I have an idea...

I imagine it went something like this:
"How about we make a set of figures with slightly different colours?"
-You mean Real Types? Didn't we just do that recently?
"No, no, no, this is completely different... this is the perfect movie tie-in!
-You are talking about Operation Jaburo again, aren't you? We did that last year...
"My man, check this out... I lowered the brightness a bit and slightly altered the hue...
-You've just painted the Gundam blue.
-This is it? I don't know man...
"We should be able to crank these suckers out in three weeks!
-Hmm... Whatever, you've sold me. Let's get to work.
Is this the most uninspired set of Converge figures to ever be released? What's for next year; the Converge Backlight Selection featuring black silhouettes of famous scenes of Gundams standing in front explosions?

Whatever you might think of it, the Visual Selection set blasted its way onto the retail shelves in September 2024. The set sports seven different figures that come in standard size boxes so you don't have to buy the whole thing if there is just one or two figures that interest you. I imagine there must be lots of leftover Goggs clogging the shelves in Japan.

All the figures in this set are Converge #Sharp veterans returning with a slight twist to their colour palette. There may be some minor alterations in packaging or sculpts that I am not immediately aware of but for all intents and purposes we are simply recycling figures here. I do think the selection is quite interesting, there is a good number of mass-production suits here but I find it a bit odd that both the Zaku II and Z'Gok are red. I think a green Zaku II would have lightened up the palette a bit. We really could have used a GM too.
RX-78-2 Gundam (Movie I ver.)

The set is lead by a Real Type Colour Gundam with a slight modification to its colour scheme. The palette is toned down even for a real type and the white sections are slightly yellow instead.

The figure has the usual loadout of a beam rifle or bazooka to choose from. Only the right hand is able to hold on to a weapon. To equip the bazooka you first remove the handlebar, insert it into the hand from below and then reattach the rest of the weapon.

The bazooka when not equipped attaches to a slot on the back skirt. You also have a peg hole in the centre of the backpack which allows you to store the shield there when not in use.

There is a surprising amount of Real Type Gundams in Converge by now. The front row shows the two first generation figures, the first one from the original 2012 Operation Jaburo box set, and then the Art of Gundam exhibit special olive-colour version from 2014. The latter figure also has a couple of extra markings, a portent of things to come in the CORE line. The back row shows the #Sharp-era Real Types; the leftmost figure is kind of an update on the Art of Gundam theme and hails from the CORE Real Type 5-pack from late 2019, the middle figure is the updated Operation Jaburo figure with camouflage base from 2023 and on the right we have the new figure.

MS-06S Zaku II (Char's Custom) (Movie I ver.)

Next up is Char's Zaku II in a darkened brownish red shade. The figure is based on the Converge #09 resculpt of the Zaku II from 2018 which is slightly smaller than your average Converge figure which is a tad bit annoying.

This figure also has two weapon options; you get to choose between a Zaku Machine Gun or a Zaku Bazooka. There are some later #Sharp Zaku II figures with additional weapon options but at least we don't get the tiny bazooka that cropped up later with High Mobility units and the Shin Matsunaga box set.

In the old days, Char's Zaku II was a really hard to find figure but there are quite a lot of options by now. The top row shows Commander Types from the #Sharp-era and the bottom row various variants of the original sculpt which is slightly taller and in my opinion more menacing looking.

MS-09 Dom (Movie II ver.)

The Dom is up next and rather than being a darker version of itself this one is leaning into the red theme of this set and borders on pink. Even the handle of the heat sword is painted in this pinkish colour.

We have no weapon options for the Dom and the right hand is attached directly to the giant bazooka, but at least the colour separation is good. There were later versions of the Dom that could also equip the Heat Sword but here you are limited to sticking it on the back or not. The peg is shaped and attaches to the figure at a predetermined fixed angle.

We have eight versions of the MS-09 Dom in Converge by now, not counting Rick Dom variants which would increase the number further. Pinky here from the Visual Selection is posing together with the three multi-weapon Black Tri-Star customs from CORE 026, jealously noticing their improved design. The front row has the original sculpt from Converge Volume 5 (November 2011) and its brighter Operation Jaburo variant from 2012, followed by the first #Sharp-era MS-09 (Volume #13, released December 2018) and the re-colour from the 2019 CORE Real Type box set.

MSM-07S Z'Gok (Char's Custom) (Movie II ver.)

The Jaburo feeling is very strong with this set, and the Z'Gok is perhaps the biggest instigator. Figure-wise this is the least novel of the Visual Selection re-colourings, it is very similar to the previous released. The easiest way to tell it apart from the other Z'Gok figures is that the chest-mounted cockpit hatch is not painted white.

The #Sharp Z'Gok has a funky transparent window-section in front of its mono-eye which takes some getting used to but at least it did away with the individual claws that you had to cut from a sprue and attach to the arms one by one, claws that will fall out very soon and disappear in a rug unless you glue them in place.

Real quick, can you spot the Visual Selection figure here? The difference between the three top-row figures really isn't very pronounced at all. Here we have the Visual Selection figure on the left, followed by the 2023 Jaburo-colour version with camouflage base in the middle and on the right the standard retail figure from Converge #15 (released in May 2019). The front row shows the original sculpt as seen in the Converge Volume 3 (June 2011) and in Operation Jaburo box set-colours from December 2012.

MSM-03 Gogg (Movie II ver.)

I was really surprised to see the Gogg making an appearance in a set like this but hey, it is clearly visible on the Soldier of Sorrow poster up there, in glorious brown colour. I kind of like this colour swap but I was less happy with the imperfect joints for the arms that do not necessarily want to attach to the shoulders or rotate as freely as they should.

We have no gear options for the Gogg of course but the arms feature articulation both at the shoulder and arm, giving you an unusual amount of posing options. As always, be careful when handling stiff joints or you risk twisting the pegs rather than forcing them out.

It is not hard to tell which figure is the new one in this lot. Here it poses with two yellow-brown cousins from the original and #Sharp-era Converge retail series, released in Converge Volume 7 (May 2012) and Converge #16 (August 2019) respectively.

MS-07B Gouf (Movie II ver.)

The #Converge #Sharp-version of the Gouf is a real treat, offering several weapon options and a great menacing sculpt. The Movie Poster version is simply a darker blue version of the original figure with yellow highlights turned orange.

Look at that range of accessories! You can choose between the heat rod or the heat sword for the right hand, and the left hand can be replaced with the five-finger machine gun-variant. Be careful not to lose the antenna, I'd consider gluing it in place.

At the back we have the original retail Gouf from Converge #12 (October 2018), the awesome green and yellow Real Type-version from the CORE Real Type-II box set (February 2023) and the new Visual Selection figure. The front row shows the old school Gouf all the way back from Converge Volume 2 with figure number 12 (released January 2011) and its darker Operation Jaburo variant from the 2012 box-set.

RX-78-2 Gundam (Movie II Poster Colour ver.)

In the last slot we have the most controversial figure of the lot. Someone in the Bandai development department had a wild idea and then they just decided to run with it. "Hey guys, did you ever notice that the Gundam is kind of blue there in the background on that movie poster? Why don't we make a blue metallic single colour figure and theme a set around it?". I have a feeling opinions on this thing might be pretty varied but hey, at least it is a really unique thing. For the moment... :)

The components and features of this figure are exactly the same as the real type-colour variant figure that opened up this set, so you can always mix and match components to come up with some design of your own. Overall, this sculpt is the first #Sharp-era version of the RX-78 an while it has some wonky proportions it is a really solid design with some neat equipment customization choices. Much better than the dual-wielding RX-78 that followed in Converge #22, a figure that looks fantastic but that can rarely stand up even when pegged to its base.

Rather than digging out every variant of the RX-78 I decided to showcase blue here together with two other themes for the #Sharp-era RX-78. Basically you can opt for classic white (exemplified here by the first retail design from Converge #08, released in October 2017) and the real Type-colour version from 2019 we saw before. We still don't have a G-3 colour version of this figure and I wouldn't mind if Bandai decided to produce one.

So what is the verdict of the oddball Movie Visual Selection set? Well, the premise is kind of ludicrous, you probably have most of these figures in your collection already and so you can safely give it a pass. On the other hand this is a good opportunity for more recent collectors to find versions of some really classic Mobile Suit Gundam suits and I always enjoy hitting the basic retail line and not having to pay through the nose for Premium Bandai-offerings.

SARGE! You seen?
ReplyDeleteThe Fusion Works blog hasn't shown it yet, but the new Gundam GQuuuuuuX Converge is already up. Check it:
Ok, I gotta be honest, I don't care at all for the Studio Khara design of a Gundam made-to-look-like-an-Eva, but the Converge fig is actually pretty sweet. Can't wait for THAT to be released.
Thoughts on the fig? Thoughts on the show?
I just heard ABOuuuuuuuuuuuuut this new IP the other day when people posted model kit previews, had no idea Studio Khara was involved. I like EVA a lot and have a pretty big figure collection (who's surprised?) but in general I am not too fond of cross-overs and that name is just STuuuuuuuuupid. Figure looks alright I guess but I would prefer if Bandai spent its resources on a Leo or Zaku Flipper if you know what I mean? :)
DeleteHi there, your converge list is awesome and it has helped me in finding all the information I need. I have one very curious question. May i know how do you display/store all your Converge figurine? A room tour will be awesome and I look forward to that! Thank you again for the work here!
ReplyDeleteWhile it is not the focus of this blog I can tell you that except for a few large ones that are cumbersome to disassemble the figures are stored in boxes in a mainly chronological fashion. This makes it fairly easy to find the various versions of a figure for comparison purposes. I would have preferred keeping them sorted by faction and era instead, perhaps one day when the series is concluded.